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It is possible to photoactivate any nucleus except 1H. Be really hard to do, but possible. Light (a Photon) is a "massless" sub-atomic particle (Boson) that has no atomic structure / any structure is sub-atomic; IE: No "Atom, proton, neutron, electron" etc. Because of this it is not an "Atom" and cannot be split. Photon's can be 'cloned' which some term as splitting, however they are not really split as there is nothing to split. Photon's interact with charged electrons and clone themselves into lower frequencies, putting white light through a prism results in bands of colored light (lower frequencies).

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Q: Is it possible to split the nucleus of a light atom?
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The isotopes are uranium-235 or plutonium-239.

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No, it is not possible because the size of an atom is smaller than the wavelength of light.

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The center of an atom is called a nucleus (nucleifor plural).Center of an atom is called the "Nucleus".

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You can't split a hydrogen atom, as the nucleus consists of only one proton, nothing else

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