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Creativity is the key to this answer.....YES you can !


Hypothetically speaking, if a person were to try to thing of something no one has ever thought of before, that person would surely fail. Not because that person is incapable of thinking, but merely because there are so many people in the world that, if not in this generation, someone in an earlier era thought of the same thing that you might be thinking now. The first few ideas were created by God, and the rest just followed up from God's ideas. Now, you never really know who thought, or is thinking right now, of the same ideas as you because we are not mind readers, but it is virtually impossible to think of a totally brand new idea that no one has thought of, even if they decide not to share their idea with the world.


Obviously every thought has to have been made for the first time at some point in time. Simple things like "this berry is good to eat" or "protons are made up of various sub atomic particles". However the difficulaty comes in doing it. Like trying to set up rules for being spontanious, having a new idea is generally a chance, not a planned, event.

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