

Is it possible to use up fossil fuel?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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7y ago

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Yes because it was good

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Q: Is it possible to use up fossil fuel?
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Why when the coal burn cannot go back again?

Coal is a fossil fuel and when you use it up it's gone.

If we use up all the fossil fuel what's going to happen to the land mass where the fuel existed?

If we use all the resources then the land mass where the reources existed will become fuel-resource deficient or empty fuel resources.

Is crude oil fossil fuel?

Oils wells dig up fossil fuels. The fuel that they bring up is raw, unrefined, and full of gunk. It's known as crude oil. So yes, crude oil is a fossil fuel. Correct me if I'm wrong.

The fossil fuel that will be used up the fastest is?

The fossil fuel that would be used up the fastest is oil. This is because it is cheap to run and quick to start up. Oil is also used in large and medium-sized power stations

What fuels are identified as fossil fuels?

coal is the main fossil fuel on earth that is found under the earth and dug up.

Is a fossil fuel unavailable after its used up?

No a fossil fuel is not a renewable resource, once it's used up you can't get it bad. In fact a lot of our electricity is made by burning fossil fuels, which is very bad for the environment because it produces a lot of carbon dioxide.

What valuable resources is plastic using up?

Fossil fuel, oil and gass

How can solar energy be used to reduce fossil fuel use?

Sunshine + Water = Gasoline and bigtime researchers have already figured out how to do it in the laboratory and now they have to scale it up. When they do, the fuel world is in for a really big change.

Why fossil fuels are regarded as infinite resource?

Fossil fuels are not regarded as an infinite resource. They are finite. Oil wells get used up and run dry. In the very long term, it is possible that new deposits of fossil fuel will be created by the same process that created the existing deposits, however, that takes millions of years, which means that for our purposes, fossil fuels will run out.

Compare human use of solar energy with our use of fossil fuel energy?

Solar energy makes up about 3% of world energy use.Fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) make up about 90% of world energy use.

Is walking better for the environment than driving?

Yes. Walking won't use up anywhere near as much fossil fuel as driving does, and won't contribute to pollution.

Will cars still be around in 2217?

By 2217 all the fossil fuels will have been used up so there will be no fossil fuel powered cars around then.