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Marginal revenue product = marginal cost

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Q: Is it profitable for a firm to continue employing additional resources as long as?
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Disney will continue to produce the series as long as it remains profitable to do so.

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Japan had the resources for an attack on Pearl Harbor. They simply needed more resources to continue the war.

Why should you conserve resources?

So people can continue using them

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Profit is important to businesses because it is how they continue to remain open. When a business isn't profitable it will cease to exist.

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Bittorrent will continue to work in the background.Most of these type program use few resources.

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The number of new games for both systems has already decreased, but they will continue as long as there is a profitable market.

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Many natural resources are finite or limited. If they are not conserved and continue to be wasted as they are now, they will eventually run out.

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If it continues, the country's resources will be degrading and at last there will be a demand in food and resources.