

Is it really that earth will end in this year?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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there is a possibility that it will end

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Q: Is it really that earth will end in this year?
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there will be an end but the earth us still young don't pollute it or the end will come faster

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The planet could get demolished(destroyed)if Earth get really close to the sun. People predict that the Earth could get destroyed by the sun in a few billion years from now.there's not really any explanation to why does the world end

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No. There are always people who run around like a "Chicken Little" declaring the "sky is falling."

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No, life on Earth does not end in the year 2012. That is a ridiculous rumor.

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Billions of years from now, the sun will get really hot, and expand and vaporize the Earth. Yes, the Earth will come to end, Billions of years from now.

Will the earth will end at 2012?

No definitely not on the year 2012.IENSTEIN told that world will not end before 2060..........

How long does it really take the earth to travel around the sun?

It really requires an entire year for earth to loop-de-loop the sun. That is what the definition of a year is--the amount of time it takes our orb to orbit once.