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No because 18 is the legal age of adulthood. I got licensed when I was 18 and was still living at home and I still got my own insurance policy. If they are going to drive your car on a regular basis, you should list all licensed drivers on the policy.

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Depends on your insurance provider. You'll have to contact your agent or the company through customer service to find out what your insurance policy covers. It'll also be on your policy if you have it. Some insurance policies automatically cover infrequent drivers, others only cover primary insured. If your child is a regular driver of the vehicle, you will need to add them to the insurance at additional cost.

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He could be if he's a full time student, but check with the terms of your plan. Unfortunately, unless he's a full time student under a certain age, he probably isn't eligible. And remember that just because he's eligible doesn't mean you elected to cover him in your enrollment. Check with your plan administrator.

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18y ago

If he is driving a vehicle that owned by the parents it is advisable that he remain on the insurance policy.

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Q: Is it required that you put your 18 year old child on your auto insurance policy if she still lives at home?
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'Is it required in Maryland that you put your 18 year old child on your auto insurance policy if she still lives at home?

Absolutely if they have a drivers license. They have access to the keys, don't they?

How can a parent remove a child from an auto insurance policy after he's turned 18 years old and has moved away from home?

Just call up your insurance company/agent, and tell them that you request his name to be removed from your policy. They will then issue you a new policy w/ id cards. Some insurance companies require that the 18 year old has acquired auto insurance elsewhere before removing them from the parent's policy. This may prove difficult for the parent who may be forced by the insurance company to carry auto insurance on their child indefinitely until such a time when insurance can be obtained.

Can you take your dependent child off your car insurance policy?

If he lives with you then you may not be able to. If he has moved into his own residence, then you should be able to.

Is a 35 year old son considered a child and must be added to your car insurance if he lives with you?

If he lives in your household he should be listed on your insurance policy. If your son does not live with you but sometimes drives your vehicles he should be listed on your policy and his address should be listed as a secondary garaging address.

Your adult daughter has auto insurance and is gifting you her car you have a car and insurance She lives with you Do you have to put her on your insurance policy?

As long as she has her own policy on her own, it would not affect your insurance in the sense of premium or the need to have her insured on your policy. However, most auto insurance company want to have her listed as a driver in the household since she lives with you. The policy actually follow the vehicle and not the driver. If she was to drive this vehicle and get into an accident, your policy would be the primary and her policy would be secondary.

What if a licensed teen lives with a grandparent can the parent put them on their policy or will the grandparent be required to insure them?

I believe it would depend on who owns the vehicle the teen is driving. if it is the grandparents car, it would have to be on their insurance. You should call your insurance company to be sure.

A life insurance policy that pays whether the policyholder lives or dies is called?

A life insurance policy that pays whether the policyholder lives or dies is called a whole life insurance policy. This type of policy provides coverage for the policyholder's entire life and typically includes a cash value component that grows over time.

If YOU live in a different state can you still be on my parents insurance?

my son is on my auto insurance policy but he has moved to florida and I live in Michigan. Can he still be covered on my auto policy if he now lives in florida?

Does a noncustodial parent have to pay for teenage daughters car insurance?

Whoever your daughter lives with is the responsible party to cover her on their insurance policy!

Why must a man put his ex-wife on his life insurance policy in Massachusetts?

Courts often times require that divorcing couples buy life insurance especially if child support is involved. If the man was the primary wage earner and is ordered to pay child support, he needs to guarantee that the payments will be made whether he lives or dies.

Can the insurance company at fault deny paing for treatment to injury from auto accident?

Sure. Remember that an insurance policy is a legal contract wherein the insurance company agrees to accept risk from the policy holder according to the terms of the contract. If the policy holder does not live up to the terms of the contract then the insurance company may deny coverage. For example, if the person lied to the insurance company on the application then the insurance company may deny coverage. One of the terms of the policy is that the insured agrees to inform the insurance company of all residents of the home as well as regular drivers. If the insured does not list his 17 year old child who drives one of the vehicles regularly and lives in the house and then the child has an accident the insurance company could not be expected to provide coverage for the accident. Since the insured broke the terms of the policy which is a legal contract then the company probably will not provide coverage because the insured committed material misrepresentation and lied in a significant manner on the application.

Is your son in law who lives with you covered for an auto accident injury to him by someone else?

Perhaps. Do you have him listed on the policy as required as a driver. If he lives in your household your policy probably requires you to have him listed as a driver or excluded.