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Yes, widows consider themselves still married. Some widows will stay single throughout their lives, while others may remarry. Many widows feel vulnerable and will even leave their phone number under their husband's name and the bills can still come to "Mrs. M. Smith" if her husband's name was, for instance, Michael. If the widow is younger, it's also appropriate to address her as "Ms." (pronounced "Mizz"). Some widows may prefer to go back to her surname before marriage.

Customs (and laws) may vary. In the Netherlands, for example, a widow reverts to her maiden name 12 months after being widowed, unless she makes a request to keep her married name.

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Q: Is it right to address a widow as 'Mrs'?
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Is Miss Mrs or Ms used for abbreviation for a widow?

Mrs is used to address a widow.

Do you address a widow with Ms?

No, a widow generally remains as "Mrs".

How do you address widow Mrs or Ms?

It is always a sensitive situation when you need to address a widow. In order to show her respect you can address her as Ms.

Is it proper to call a widow Mrs Mary Smith?

Yes, it is proper to address a widow by her last married name.

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The same as you normally would. Her status is still Mrs. ?

Address an envelope to a widow?

You can address the envelope to a widow as: Mrs. Jane Doe (Doe would be her husbands surname) or, you could write Mrs. J. Doe on the envelope. Even though she is a widow she still has the surname of her husband until she either decides to change it to her maiden name or remarries.

How address envelope to recent widow?

When addressing an envelope to a recent widow, it is customary to write the person's name starting with the title "Mrs.". Just because a woman is a widow does not mean that a woman is not still married.

What is the proper way to address a letter to a widow?

Use the prefix of Mrs. if it is a fomal letter. If not, and you are familiar with them, use their first name.

When husband is deciesed and sending a letter how do I address the envelope. Her name or his name?

In this situation, it's appropriate to address the envelope using the widow's name. For example, you can address it to "Mrs. [her name]." Include her full name and any applicable titles (e.g., Mrs., Ms.).

Do you call a widow Mrs or Ms?

You call a widow Mrs., unless they change their last name and wish to be called Ms. If not, always go with Mrs.

How do you address a new widow when sending a note of sympathy?

Formality be damned-- I would address it Mrs. ____, unless I have already established a long-time first name basis relationship with her, or I am already aware that she prefers not using Mrs. as an address. The time of sending a sympathy card is NOT the time to be ripping away a recent widow's sense of identity. Many continue using 'Mrs.' throughout the rest of their lives even if they remain unmarried. There is nothing at all wrong with that.

How do you address a sympathy card to widow Use her first name or husbands whole name?

However you would address them individually with and in between, as:Mr. John Smith and Mrs. Jane Jones