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I am no expert but a betta fish is a carnivore. They eat meat. it is best to stick to a more natural diet, ie: insects, baby brine shrimp, pellets if nothing else is available, although bettas generally turn these down..

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Q: Is it safe for Bettas to eat finely chopped strawberries?
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Are mock strawberries safe to eat?

Yes. Mock strawberries are not poisonous, but they don't have any flavor to speak of.

If my box turtle eats strawberries is it safe?

Box turtles can eat deadly amanita toadstools with no ill effect. They concentrate the toxins in their body and become toxic, themselves. A moldy strawberry won't even give it indigestion.

What happens if you eat a off strawberry?

No! strawberries are a nutritional powerhouse for both you and your dog. Like their blue cousins, strawberries are full of antioxidants. They also boast high fiber and a lot of vitamin C. Here's a bonus: Strawberries even contain an enzyme that can help whiten your dog's teeth.

Are there any safe fruits for diabetics?

Most fruits are safe for diabetics. You can still eat bananas, apples, strawberries, blueberries and melons. Stay away from plums, however, because they have alot of sugar.

Are raspberries kosher?

Yes, strawberries are definitely kosher, but you should wash them and cut off the stem to get rid of any bugs that may be on it (better safe then sorry). This is assuming, however, that they are fresh strawberries. If they are pre-cut, they should have Kosher certification.

Are non organic strawberries safe to eat?

yes. Organic means that they didn't use fertilizer or pesticides and as long as you wash them there is minimal to no residue.

Can you feed your hermit crab strawberries?

You sure can, strawberries are healthy for hermit crabs and is safe. I would advise washing it under distilled/filtered water to remove any pesticides. I usually place a small chunk of strawberry for it usually spoils quickly.

Are wild strawberrys safe to eat?

So, not only are wild strawberries completely safe to eat, they have more health benefits than you could have realized. So, the next time you see them on the trail, popping a few in your mouth before moving on is a great idea. The strawberries that we are most familiar with are typically grown on farms.

Is it safe for a dog to eat cherries?

yes raccoons , bears etc all eat nuts and berries such as blueberries , strawberries and including CHERRIES.

Can males bettas be with females bettas?

yes, if you want them to breed. If one is not ready, the other will kill it Addition In a 15 gallon tank with filtration and heat you can usually keep One male and no less than 4 females. Have plenty of decorations so the females and males can stake out territories and feel safe. Breeding can be complicated so resesrch before you try.

Is it safe to put your male betta fish in a 29-gallon warm water freshwater tank with 2 Zebra Danios and 2 Silver tip Danios?

yes as long as there are not any other males or female bettas

Do foxes eat tomatoes?

If they found a tomato - they'd probably eat it.