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Q: Is it safe for chameleons to eat hornets or wasps?
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What eats hornets?

Hornets eat eat flies, bees, and wasps.

What are bees predators?

Mostly birds, but depending on where you are in the world, there are also wasps, hornets, bears and badgers.

Do dragonflies eat mayflies?

Dragonflies will not eat wasps or hornets unless there is absolutely nothing else for them to eat. They mostly eat mosquitoes but will also eat butterflies and moths.

Do wasps eat hornets?

As a beekeeper I occasionally get stung by a bee and although they are initially painful I find that the effects of nettle stings last longer. Wasp stings are worse than both and although I haven't personally had a hornet sting, I have heard from those that have that they are the worst.

What do hornet's eat?

Hornets, like Wasps, generally prefer a liquid diet, drinking honeydew, nectar and fluids from bruised and rotten fruit or tree sap. They are also predators to other insects such as flies, bees & mosquitos, therefore a source of natural pest control for your homes surrounds.

Can you eat your food if there has been wasps on?

It should actually be safe to eat, wasps are not like flies. However, you may find doing so unappetizing.

Do eagles eat bees?

Yes, eagles will eat bees. The design of an eagle's beak allows them to break through tough insect bodies such as those found on hornets, wasps, and other bees.

Do hornets like honey?

Some animals do, e.g.: Honey buzzards, even if they seem to prefer other social wasps. Greater hornets; the Asian Giant Hornet may kill and eat smaller wasps, including smaller hornets. Some ants, like the army ants. Also human. In parts of Asia, fried hornet larvae is a delicacy. Pål Jensen

Will wasps eat lady bugs?

I released 250 ladybugs to my indoor garden a month ago and now am having a hornet problem inside. Most of the ladybugs have disappeared so it seems that the hornets are either eating them or whatever hole the hornets found the ladybugs are escapeing from.

Why do chameleons eat insects?

Chameleons eat insects because that is their food source.

What are a chameleons enemies?

Some lemurs can eat chameleons.

What animal will dig up a hornets nest and eat the contents?

Yellow spotted lizards are among the animals that will eat bees, wasps and hornets. Your dog may also go after them along with flys and other dogs and they might chase a cat as well scence that is what the yellow spotted lizard eats as well .