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It is safe for humans to consume the Chinese mushrooms "Tibicos". They are found all over the world and are eaten by many as a source of great health benefits.

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Q: Is it safe for humans to consume the Chinese mushrooms 'tibicos'?
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Humans are not considered decomposers; humans are considered consumers, as we kill and consume other organisms for nourishment. Contrarily, decomposers are organisms (such as mushrooms) that break down other organisms that have already deceased.

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Fungi are in forms of foods we eat. Mushrooms are fungi, and humans eat mushrooms, so humans eat fungi.

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Because we like some of it

Can fungi be eaten by humans?

yes Some types like mushrooms. Not all mushrooms are edible though, some are poisonous.

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How much do humans consume?

368 liters a day

Can animals eat the same mushrooms that humans eat?

i believe that mushrooms are not good for pets especially cats. This info was shared by my vet for my cat

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