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Q: Is it safe for women to eat mens cum?
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He thought it was lunch money

Can I eat my cum Iā€™m 11?

i agree with Jordyn,cum is a organ or cell that can only be activated by sex,in which his how a child starts growing

Is it safe for pregnant women to eat single cream?

yes definetely safe , what not to eat during pregnancy is listed here

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Chitlins should be safe for pregnant women, as long as they are cooked thoroughly through. If you are concerned, your best option is to ask your doctor.

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yes. Infants can't though

What do Spencers eat?

buttholes, mens buttholes.

Is it ok to eat semen?

Yes, semen is mostly protein, with some vitamin C, fructose, and some other things.. But, cum must not be eaten when the source has STDs.. Do you eat your own cum?

Can pregnant women eat water chestnuts?

No. Everything I've read online says pregnant women should avoid eating them. They cause severe gas and bloating and pain in the abdomen. They have a type of laxative that makes them un safe for pregnant women to eat.

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No it is not safe to eat electricity.

Is it safe to eat tortellini primavera when pregnant?

Any tortellini primavera that is fresh and safe for human consumption is also safe for pregnant women. There are no ingredients in traditional recipes for pasta primavera that would be risky to anyone who is pregnant.

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What penutbutter is safe to eat?

penutbutter is not safe to eat cause its got salmanela