

Is it safe to clean a cat feces when you have a baby?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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Yes. it is perfectly safe. as long as you don't eat it your fine

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Q: Is it safe to clean a cat feces when you have a baby?
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Should pregnant woman clean up cat pooh?

No, absolutely not. Pregnant women can get a disease called Toxoplasmosis if they clean up cat feces. They should not clean a litter box or deal with cat feces at all. See the Related link below.

What happens if you don't clean the litter box?

Cat feces will accumulate.

Is it safe to have cats and a newborn baby?

I think it depends on the cat! But one thing is universal: cat feces carry disease and infection for (any) person, not just newborns.Safety points to ponder:Keep your floors clean! Newborns turn into crawling toddlers and put anything in their mouth they find! (like cat litter, cat food, cat feces, etc).Does your cat tend to sleep on your pillow? Cats who snuggle and will jump into bassinets (could) possibly sleep too close to your baby's face and smother them.Does your cat have claws? Will he/she claw if startled?Is your cat possessive? One of my cats growled at our newborn out of jealousy!Also if you do have a cat and a newborn baby get a cat net for the babies bed/cot/crib.

Can cat urine and feces be hazardous to humans if not cleaned up properly like say some one doesn't clean up cat urine and feces in their house for more than three to six months?

Can cat urine and feces be hazardous to humans if not cleaned up properly like say some one doesn't clean up cat urine and feces in their house for more than three to six months?

Why is there mold on my cat's feces?

If there is mold on your cat's feces when you clean the litter box, you should try cleaning the box more frequently. This sometimes happens when the box is not cleaned often enough.

Is cat pee bad to smell during pregnancy?

The only thing I know about it Toxoplasmosis - but that has to do with feces. Pregnant women should not clean litter boxes. Ingestion of contaminated cat feces. This can occur through hand-to-mouth contact following gardening, cleaning a cat's litter box, contact with children's sandpits, or touching anything that has come into contact with cat feces.

Is it safe to give a cat 1 yr old baby formula?

NO its not safe

When you are expecting does it harm Mom or baby being around smells and cat feces?

Being around cat feces can be dangerous due the possibility that is is carrying toxoplasmosis. Generally, odors are not harmful, as long as they are not concentrated or from toxic substances.

Is cleaning a house that is covered in cat feces dangerous for a human?

Yes. Where there is cat feces, there is also cat urine, and urine decomposes into ammonia, which is a poisonous gas. In addition, cat feces contains bacteria, and in a house full of cat feces, the feces become aerosolized, which increases the chance of the bacteria to be inhaled. The decomposition of cat feces releases sulfur-containing gases, some of which might be changed to sulfuric acid when dissolved in water (as they would be in the lungs).

What happen when mother cat get baby out?

The mother cat eats the stuff the kitten was born in. Then it licks it clean and feeds it and puts it to sleep...something like that..Oh, and by the way, give your cat a safe, surrounded space (like a closet) to give birth. It will feel safer.

Is it safe to keep a pet of cat in your home during pregnancy?

You can keep the cat but get someone else to clean the litter tray.

Is it dangerous to handle cat litter if you are pregnant?

Yes. Cat feces contains a parasite that could cause an infection in the unborn baby causing death or serious damage to the brain and eyes