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You should not do that without first consulting your doctor.

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Q: Is it safe to come off of seizure medications after 64 years when there is no signs of seizures?
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Did I just have a seizure?

It certainly sounds like a seizure. He should consult with a doctor. I have seen a study that infers that modern cannabis is much stronger than it was years ago and could possibly cause seizures. I also saw a conversation thread where someone said their spouse had smoked pot for 30+ years, but started having seizures. Because of the seizures, he stopped smoking which seemed to stop the seizures. Your friend still should go to a doctor to make sure nothing else is going on.

You have a seizure disorder for 20 years only 2 seizures you take Tegretol occasionally have a brief lapse in memory doesn't interfere with activity for 1-3 minutes MD not absence seizure what is it?

You should see another neurologist for more information. It does sound like absence seizures. Your mention of 1-3 minutes is just your perception and may not be just that short.

How do you get a seizure?

seizures happen for all kinds of reasons, i was an epileptic for 4 years and i would have seizures when i had exited or over active brain waves. I wouldn't be able to move, my body was numband fizzing and my speech was slurred. it can be very frightening. if you no anyone with the same condition unfortunately there is nothing you can do when there having a seizure, but its best to but them in the safety position on there side and check there airways. Hope this helps any enquires......

What is theTreatment to child epilepsy?

There is no specific treatment for childhood epilepsy. It all depends on the type of seizures they have. First they will be tried on medication. If after a few years the medications tried are not controlling the seizures, there are other alternatives such as: surgery, VNS, ketogenic diet.

What are the disabilities of a person that has seizure's?

People with epilepsy do not have a disability. The majority of people with epilepsy live perfectly normal lives. It is only when they are having a seizure that their epilepsy affects them. There may be very long periods between their seizures: months or even years. Some people with more severe epilepsy and who get seizures more frequently do have certain restrictions on what they may be able to do, like driving, but this would not be regarded as a disability.

Will seizures prevent you from joining the military and i haven't had them for13 years and haven't been on the meds for almost 8 years?

Yes, even though you haven't had a seizure in years there is still a small chance that you could have another. That means that you can't your battle buddies if you are in a combat situation.

When is the usual onset of mesial temporal lobe epilepsy?

In mesial TLE, seizure can begin as early as childhood or even later in adulthood. There is a characteristic remission that can occur during childhood, lasting a few years, but then seizures resume in adulthood.

Is the electroshock collar for dogs safe?

Just from personal experience, I am leaning toward the fact that they can or a least contribute to seizure activity if the dog is predisposed to having them. I rescued a standard poodle who had been living most of his 3 years wearing a shock collar for an invisible fence. With in the first few weeks he had a seizure - and about 2 months..but as time went on, without the shock collar, the seizures became less frequent - only two in the last 8 months and much less severe. My feeling is that since I have had him, no more electrodes passing though his body.

28 year old grandson just started having seizures and was diagnosed with grand mal epilepsy. Is there holistic treatment?

As a former epileptic, I can speak from experience when I tell you to PLEASE speak to your neurologist regarding treatments. Anti-seizure medications have advanced greatly in the past few years and left untreated epilepsy can be extremely dangerous. There are various websites that recommend herbal treatments, acupuncture, and even aromatherapy for the treatment of epilepsy. Please be careful!

Dog has had a seizure?

When an animasuch as dog has a seizure it will shake while laying on the floor. Do not touch te dog because it is frightened and unaware of its surroundings so you may get bit. All you can do it talk to the dog and help it culm down. After the seizure he or she may be very tired and go to sleep. They often do not beathe during the seizure and if they are panting that is why and it is normal. You need t stay culm while anyone a peson or an animal has a seizure and allow them to know that they are safe.

Can a person with epilepsy live a normal life?

Many people with epilepsy live very normal lives. Epilepsy only affects them when they have a seizure and there can be days, weeks, months or even years between seizures. So most of the time, they are fine. Some people have very regular and severe seizures, so their lives would be more affected. So it depends on how often people have their seizures and how bad those seizures are as to what way it will affect their lives. There are many forms of epilepsy and many levels of severity, so each person and how it affects their life is different.

Does a Nintendo Wii cause seizures?

I've never had a seizure in my life, but i played like Wii Boxing game for 2 hours and later on(in the same day) while i was driving i had like flashes in my vision pulled over at a restaurant they told me i had a seizure i can't remember i just woke up at the ER, i think its cause I've played alot, so be careful. now im on Lamictal , for 2 years, haven't had another seizure ever since the Wii thingy. that you can get a better answer than this