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Q: Is it safe to delete viruses from the virus chest?
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If you quarantined your computer viruses does that mean that you are safe or do you have to remove the viruses completely?

If the virus has been quarantined then you are safe because the virus cannot execute its commands. You are safe when it comes to that single virus. However it is very likely that your system is infected by other malware so you want to launch a complete scan.

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No lame is not safe it gave me a virus, i hate it

Is Ameba Pico Facebok game a virus?

Ameba Pico on Facebook is not a virus and does not contain any viruses Its 100% safe :)

Is Facade a Virus?

Nope, there are no viruses on facade and its perfectly safe. (Its pretty fun by the way)

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It depends... If you want to be safe from a virus get anti-virus and don't surf porn chats all the time.

Is DepositFiles safe to download from?

Honestly No its not safe as far as viruses and spyware are concerned cause it allows anyone to upload what ever they want but if you use a virus program then just be careful

Does Free Realms plugin have virus?

The Free Realms plugin does not have any viruses, it's safe. I even scanned it with Norton and it is safe.

Does gaytube have viruses?

Any porn site is bound to have viruses, as long you don't click on ads & have safe search on and anti-virus you'll be fine.

I don't have money on my computer so what will viruses do to me?

Viruses can slow you down and permanently damage your PC, some viruses are less harmful and won't cause any, but it's always on the safe side to get virus protection. I believe AVG is a free anti-virus software, I recommend downloading it off a safe site like Cnet.

Can you get viruses from spotify?

Spotify is a perfectly safe and legal music streaming service it will not give you a virus.

Which one will win the fight antivirus or Virus?

This is a tip of the Anti-virus VS Virus whiches mean battleing against each other. Guess which one will win this fight, Anti-virus or Virus? Most the time Anti-viruses can be used as an Anti-spyware. Virusese are really bad for your computer but Anti-viruses protects your computer and it was set up to kill Viruses. Viruses can really harm your computer but Anti-viruses keeps your computer nice and safe. Anti-viruses has more powers than Viruses. They can easily kill as many Viruses. Each year you just have to update your Anti-virus and than it gets ready to kill Viruses. Viruses are pretty strong but the Anti-virus are much more faster and powerful enough to kill all Viruses. I think the Anti-virus will win this fight. Millions of people all over the World will like the Anti-virus more than the Virus. The Anti-virus is the most famous viruses and spywares killer. It can kill all kinds of viruses and spywares to protect your computer because Anti-viruses has more power if it is updated. You just have to update your anti-virus once a year. Once the anti-virus is updated it is ready to kill the incoming viruses and spywares. More people love the anti-virus more than the virus and the spyware. So the anti-virus is the winner.

Is aqw a safe website?

If you're refering to "if aqw has any viruses when playing" then yes it is safe... you get no virus or any sort of danger playing aqw.....