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Definitely NOT a good idea. I watched a programme on TV here in the UK about a lad who died from having a piercing, he also had a heart condition. I can't remember the exact medical reasons for this, but definitely consult your doctor first. Chris

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Q: Is it safe to get a cartilage piercing if you have a heart murmur?
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Can you get your cartilage pierced at walmart in claremont nh?

Well if they do ear piercing then they may be dumb enough to pierce the cartilage too. Listen you need to understand what you are not being told by these places when you want a piercing. They are not telling you they have no health inspection to do any form of ear piercing, nor do they have any form of business license to do ear piercing. You pay your money and really take your chances, seriously. Every year hospital emergency rooms and doctor's clinics see more piercing gun mistakes, piercings done incorrectly, with unclean materials, incorrect aftercare routines I could go on. If you want ear cartilage piercings done correctly and professionally then go to any local body piercing studio and talk to a body piercer. They are licensed and inspected to provide the service in a safe and professional manner and will help you if your run in to trouble.

When you know your heart stops beating when you pass out can this cause death?

well! yes! But i doubt that your heart did stop because if it did you would need resuscitation using a defibrillator. So your heart probably didn't stop! It may have been a murmur or tremor (still dangerous) so to be safe go to a doctor and they can do a cardiac rate test and an ultrasound to check everything is working fine. Source: Physician assistant

Is it safe to get a piercing while on prednazone?

That is a discussion you should have with your doctor, body piercers can't guide or consult on what's safe to do when you are receiving treatment for a condition.

Where is the heart located and why?

Heart is located in the thoracic cavity. Heart remain safe in rib cage.

Is it safe to pierce your tongue while pregnant?

Sure go for it. Just take good care of the piercing and make sure it doesn't get infected. If you see any signs of infection remove the piercing immediately.

Related questions

What risk are there for piercing the cartilage in the ears?

i have my upper cartilage pierced and mine is not infected or any thing its totally safe

Does Claire's use a gun for cartilage piercings?

A piercing gun should not be used on cartilage as it's more likely to cause damage to the cartilage. Piercing guns should be avoided at all costs due to the multiple health risks. If you want a piercing go to a piercing studio where there are professionally trained piercers who use the correct jewelry and safe tools.

What is a cartalige piercing?

Cartilage is the area located outside the rim of the ear but significantly at a distance from the ear canal. Getting this area pierced is the latest rage among fashion conscious people these days. There are different types of cartilage piercing and most of them are completely safe.

Is it safe to change a cartilage piercing after seven and a half weeks?

yes they should tell you after the piercing and thank you for using answers .com --Wait a bit longer to wear acrylics in it though.

Do you have to have a stud pierce on your cartilage on the ear when you first get it?

no. if you are not prone to irritation or infection you should be ok. Many people do though, because they are not sure how they're cartilage will react to a strange metal and they just want to be on the safe side. cartilage piercings are also not changed as often as earlobe piercings and so people like to choose a fancier stud or ring.

How long after getting a cartilage piercing should you wait to go swimming in a lake or a pool to be safe?

yeah, you would wanna wait so it doesnt get infected, so yeah, i tihnk 3 weeks is fine Get advice from your physician and not people who have no idea about such things. The studio that pierced my cartilage said I could go swimming in a pool the very next day, as long as I don't play with the piercing under water.

Can you pierce your own tragus?

A Tragus piercing is a technically challenging piercing that can't be done without knowledge of the structures of the ear and cartilage. Permanent ear and hearing damage can be done when attempted by novices. Listen use common sense and leave piercing to the hands of professional body piercers who will use aseptic methods and materials to provide the piercing in a safe manner. This is not a piercing gun piercing.

Does getting your cartilage pierced hurt more with a needle or a gun?

You should never pierce your cartilage with guns. It will damage your body tissue and you will find a lump growing outside the piercing after a while. Guns are only safe for piercing the soft fleshy parts of your earlobes. Nowhere else. Safest is to go to a pro-piercing artist, he/she should use proper hollowed and sterilised or brand new needles to pierce. It doesn't hurt at all if the piercing is done professionally.

Is skydiving safe for people with heart murmur?

You need to check with your doctor.You need to check with your doctor.You need to check with your doctor.You need to check with your doctor.

Is it safe to pierce your tragus with a piercing gun?

No it is not safe at all the gun cant be sterilized and can cause an infection and in most all cases the gun will rupture your cartilage No it is definitely not safe because the jewellery is not safe, if the back of the stud comes off and falls in your ear you may need and oporation to remove it

Can Adderall cause a heart murmur?

Yes at times they can interfer with heart murmur. This can be an especialy big problem for children with heart murmurs. The type of the murmur needs to be evaluated by a doctor to see if the patient should take adderall. For adults heart murmurs are much less of a worry high blood pressure is what you want to watch in adults.

Is it safe to get your tragus pierced?

No, it is not safe to play with any piercing. Playing with it excessively can cause irritation, infection, scarring, etc. You should never touch your piercing unless it is to clean it, and even then, make sure your hands are washed.