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No Professional Body Piercer wants someone sick in the studio, nor will a self respecting piercer pierce you while you are sick. See simply enough you are going to get a piercing that will tax your body and immune system in the short term to heal the piercing, being sick (sore throat, sinus cold, etc.) just taxes your system already and a piercing on top of it will make matters worse. So the best bet, slam the Vitamin C and gargle with Listerine and go back in a week when your throat is better, you body will love you for it.

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Q: Is it safe to get a lip piercing with a sore throat?
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Is it safe if oragel goes inside a lip piercing?

I doubt its safe for anything to go inside a lip piercing. Unless its healed.

Is it normal for the inside of a lip piercing to become a large sore or for the back of a stud to go inside of my lip?

Becoming swollen and sore after getting the piercing is usually common. What is uncommon is the stud sinking into your lip. You probably need to go back to the piercer and get a different type of jewelry.

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For your upper lip, Left is a monroe piercing. The bottom lip could just be a lip piercing, or labret piercing.

What is the normal gauge of a lip piercing?

14g is normal for a male lip piercing, 16g is normal for a female lip piercing.

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as long as you look after every individual piercing, of course it's safe

Is it okay for the meat in your lip to cover the back of your lip piercing?

Yea,i have a lip piercing and it does that do its natural

What does a lip piercing mean on a guy?

It means that he wanted a lip piercing :)

What does a lip piercing mean?

Having a piercing on the side of your lip :3

Tongue piercing or lip piercing?

up to you i would say lip though

Is a 14 gauge normal for a lip piercing?

14g to 16g is normal for a male lip piercing, 16g to 18g is normal for a female lip piercing.

What hurts worse lip piercing or nose piercing?

A lip piercing hurts worse. nose is more cartilidge and has less nerves than the lip.

What does a center lip piercing mean?

It's a center lip piercing, it means it's a center lip piercing, nothing more nothing less.