

Is it safe to give dogs birth control pills?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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Human medicines should never be given to an animal without proper veterinary supervision.

The dosage of a medication is often calculated for the weight of an average human. A dog is much lighter.

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Q: Is it safe to give dogs birth control pills?
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Hi, Your question is: Can birth control pills give you a false negative? No. Birth control pills can not give you a false negative or a false positive.

Why do women take regular pills?

If you are talking regulare birth control pills it is because they give you a higher level of protection.

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Threaten to take away your mothers birth control pills.

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If you miss two birth control pills in a month, you increase your risk of unintended pregnancy. Consider changing to another method that will give you better protection.

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You can make an appointment with Planned Parenthood. They can write a prescription for birth control pills. They also give away free condoms.

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some birth control pills give you a shorter period.

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They give small levels of estrogen, but not near enough for HRT.

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If your birth control pills give you a "sugar pill" for the last week of your cycle, it is OK to skip them, assuming you start back up after the right amount of days, usually after your period has come. However, not all birth control pills have sugar pills for those days. Some just have a lower dose pill, and skipping them could reduce the effectiveness.

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Birth control pills do not have an effect on pregnancy tests.

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No you will not get your period while taking the active pills only the inactive pills. You may have spotting. If this is bothersome contact your doctor and they may give you another birth control pill that will work better for you.

What is the birth process for dogs?

As a human, you do not. Only dogs can give birth to dogs. It is like "How do you give birth to a human?".

Do dogs lay eggs or give birth?

Dogs give birth because they are mammals.