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Bisacody (also known as Dulcolax) is generally safe to give to dogs, but not for an extended period of time. If your dog doesn't respond to Bisacody after 2 days of treatment, you need to have a vet examine your dog.

Other treatments for constipation include a fiber supplement, such as Metamucil (or any Psyllium based fiber supplement) a small breed of dog can be given 1/2 teaspoon of Metamucil 2 times a day. A large breed can be given up to 2 teaspoons 2 times a day. . Mix it right into his food.

Adding pure canned or frozen Pumpkin to your dog's regular meal (pure canned pumpkin, not pumpkin pie filling that includes flavoring and spice) is also good for occasional constipation. Depending on the size of your dog, start with a teaspoon twice a day.

If nothing seems to help, or if this is a recurring problem, you may need to consider changing your dog's diet to something with more fiber in it, or even a vet exam. Constipation in dogs can be the result of an electrolyte imbalance (especially in an older dog), a metabolic problem, such as kidney failure, due to an an object swallowed accidentally, or enlarged prostate gland.

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