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Q: Is it safe to handle electrical appliances in deionized water?
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Related questions

Why the deionised water still can be dangerous with the electrical appliances?

Even deionized water can be dangerous with electrical appliances because many such appliances contain nearby surfaces with a sufficiently high electrical potential difference between them to ionize water itself and thereby make the water electrically conducting.

Which the highest conductivity between tap water and deionized water and why?

Tap Water has higher conductivity compared to deionized water since it has more mineral/ salts. Deionized water has less/ no minerals to conduct electrical current. One can experiment this in a your Water Fuel Cell using deionized water, tap water and water with salts like (KOH or NaOH) or sea water.Nitinwww.HydroxyGarage.comWater Fuel Technology is Here !!!

Can you use deionized water in tattooing instead of distilled?

Yes. Essentialy deionized and distilled water are the same because distilled water is just water that has all ions taken out and therefore wont carry and electrical charge.

How does water kill electrical appliances?

Water condutes electrcity

Is deionized water a mixture?

Pure, deionized water is a compound (H2O).

Is deionized water an element?

The deionized water is not an element, but it is a very pure water, without ions in solution.

What might occur if electrical appliances are used near water?

you will DIE

Why should electrical appliances not be used near water?

Because it can kill you.

Why we should never handle electrical appliances with wet hands?

Because water is a conductor, and water dripping from your hands may drip down to an energized circuit, and effectively create a trail from that circuit to your hands, causing you to get electrocuted.

What is use of water energy?

Water energy, or hydroelectricity, is used for powered homes and its electrical appliances.

What is the function of deionized water in determination of ash content?

Ash content is determined by calcination and deionized water is not necessary.

What will happen if we handle electric equipments with wet hands?

Water is a good conductor of electricity. A person with wet hands touching electrical appliances get a shock.So it is dangerous to touch an electric appliance with wet hands.