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Q: Is it safe to have cortersoid shot before partial knee relacement surgery?
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What must people have before you have surgery?

People must have anaesthetics before surgery.

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What is a concern about taking ginseng before surgery

What are the purposes of presenting before and after surgery images on plastic surgery websites?

The purpose for presenting before and after surgery images on plastic surgery websites is to show customers how much of an improvement can be made with surgery.

Can you take Ambien night before surgery?

Depends on the surgery. I just recently had surgery and I could not have any OTC drug for 24 before or after the surgery.

Is every patient tested for HIV before surgery?

The patient is not tested for HIV prior to surgery.

What happens if you smoke weed two days before surgery?

You will be high two days before surgery.

Do surgeons get paid per surgery?

For the surgery and for their time. They talk to you before the surgery, you will be billed for the consultation.

How long after surgery before I can play golf?

after surgery? well you should wait a few days or weeks until you get back to your normal routine before you had the surgery

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I started dancing 2 hours before surgery, but you can start any time you want before you go; just make sure you stop once the surgery is done.

What do the surgeons give patients before they have surgery?

It depends what surgery it is, and where on your body it is.

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Should you fly right before having carpal tunnel surgery or any surgery?

There should be no problem flying before having carpal tunnel syndrome surgery.