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Not safe to serve but is safe to make

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Q: Is it safe to make guinea pig pellets wet smash them up let them dry and give as treat?
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Related questions

How do you train guinea pigs?

You get a treat, then you tell it to do something and then help it out, and then you give it the treat!! ( This is true!)

What type of diet do I gve a guinea pig diet?

Fruits, grains and vegetables. Alfalfa in the form of pellets. Incorrect answer. If they are below 6 months, give them alfalfa hay, a constant supply. If they are above that age, give them a constant source of timothy hay. Give them one cup of veggies a day, such as green lettus (not iceberg) celery and carrots. Give them plain pellets because guinea pigs can choke on the seeds. Try for high quality pellets like oxbow.

What can you give your guinea pig as a treat?

Yogurt mine loves it so much :)

Is it safe to give greens to baby guinea pigs?

I would not recomend giving any greens to these young guiea pigs,it will give them the runs and they can dehidrate.Its best to give the pellets.

Does guinea pig Muesli have calories in it?

Well kinda... You should not feed your guinea pig Muesli as they might only eat some of it and it does not give a balanced diet! Give them timothy hay based pellets or even better, Excel nuggets.

What is the ideal guinea pig diet?

I feed my guinea pigs normal guinea pig food from the pet store, but for a little variety i give them letups, carrots and apples for a treat.

Is buying guinea pigs from the pet store healthier than buying guinea pigs from people that give them away?

It sounds fair buying them from either, but it does depend on how well they treat the guinea pigs..

Can guinea pigs eat salty wheels?

We have has guinea pigs for years and we give them salt wheels, all animals need some salt and they only eat vegetable and pellets which aren't high in salt content. So yes, guinea pigs can have salt wheels.

Can hamsters have guinea pig treats?

Yes. Guinea pigs can eat pretty much everything that hamsters eat. They can eat the Hamster pellets to, although they might not get all the nutrients that they need. But make sure your guinea pig always has fresh water, hay, and pellets. You should give them fresh vegetables daily to.

What does it mean when guinea pig have wide eyes?

its the same thing as humans when they are either surprised or like the treat you give them?

Can pigs overeat?

yup just like humans guinea pigs can overeat. to prevent overeating try and fill your guinea pig's bowl with the serving amount that the food bag says. i give my guinea pig about 1/4 - 1/2 cup of pellets per day.

Is it ok to give your 3 month guinea pig adult food if not what will happen?

Juvenile and adult guinea pigs eat the same food. There isn't puppy and adult food as for dogs. You should include guinea pig pellets, vegetables, timothy and don't forget vitamin C supplements.