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It is not safe to ride rollercoasters if you have Diabetes. It will increase your blood pressure.

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Q: Is it safe to ride a roller coasters if you have diabetes?
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Are Busch Gardens roller coasters safe?

Yes, they are safe but when you ride your stomach will drop if you know what i mean.

Is the big roller coaster at Oaks Park scary?

You mean Looping Thunder? I don't get scared of roller coasters. But for someone who is new to them, yes. But I Garuntee the ride is safe.

Are roller coasters too dangerous?

Actually, barley. FACT: Roller coasters are safer than crossing the street. Think about it ? How many news reports do you hear about people being hit by cars? @ the most once a month (way more). How many news reports do you hear about people dying, falling off, or being hurt on roller coasters? none I'VE heard ever. See the difference? So a fact is roller coasters are very safe.

What do roller coasters have to do with engineering?

Engineers design them so that they are thrilling but safe.

Who is not allowed to ride on a roller coaster?

When riding a roller coaster, there it a thing called G force. This gives you the effect of felling weightless or double your weight. I think a pregnant woman wouldn't be able to ride a roller coaster because the different pressures would harm or affect the baby.

What are the early disasters of roller coasters?

Modern roller coasters are quite safe; they have many checks and are monitored often to ensure they remain safe. However, ride accidents do occur. People who aren't riding can be hit by the coaster if they enter the coaster area. As well, people who are too small can fall out of the ride if they aren't secured safely.

When was Temple of the Night Hawk created?

Temple of the Night Hawk was created in 1988.

Why are roller coasters so safe?

Because of the way they are engineered to keep a person on the rollar coaster ,and because most of the coasters are inspected and tested and all that

What is the name of the most dangerous roller coaster?

That's a stupid question. Roller coasters are very safe. None can be considered "most dangerous"

Is it ok to ride a roller coaster before 1 month of being pregnant?

If there is a chance you will get bumped around and possible hit your tummy area, then no it isn't safe.AnswerBefore one month you probably won't even know you are pregnant so it is quite safe. If you did ride one and happen to miscarry it will have absolutely nothing to do with riding the roller coaster.Banging your tummy has nothing to do with it as the baby is not even out of the pelvis until 12 weeks along.AnswerMost roller coasters and amusement park rides have signs that state " Do not ride this ride if you are pregnant" Along with several other warnings. I would say NO it is not safe to ride these rides.

Does wooden roller coasters rot?

They could. But odds are they add an anti-rotting agent or check it daily to be safe.

Chances of fainting a roller coaster?

A little less than 10%, roller coasters are safe, if you are nervous. They do checks along the track and on the machinery before a park opens every day.