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No, the spray is moderately poisonous towards humans, and will more than likely cause long term damage to your workmates.

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Q: Is it safe to spray for office fleas while people are working?
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Can you spray your yard for fleas when you have turtles?

yes u can, but why do you even have turtles? and what would fleas do to a turtle

If you spray your yard with Dawn soap will it kill fleas?

Yes, you can do this treatment on your yard and it will kill fleas. The soap will coat the fleas and therefore kill them.

How would you stop fleas from getting to your cat?

But on a flea spray.

Do you have to bomb your house if your dog has fleas?

defintely not just get flea spray "Bombing" can also mean using a fogger spray. Yes, they can help IF the fogger is one intended to kill fleas.

How do you get of fleas in home?

To get fleas out of your home you should shampoo your carapet twice a day then let it dry then when it drys vaccum it then keep doing that for about 3 days or so then buy a spray im not so sure what the spray is called but you could ask someone who works at the store and then spray it all around your house then the fleas should leave. Hope i helped, i once has fleas and i did that and it worked!

Will disinfectant spray kill fleas?

Yes, it can definly kill bugs.

Can lice spray kill fleas on furniture?

Should use insect repeller for that

How do you get fleas out of your car?

If your car is infested with fleas you will likely have to use a flea spray or flea bomb to eliminate all of them. After using the spray you will do a thorough cleaning of the car to remove any of the flea poison residue and air your car out.

What can you put down in your home to kill fleas?

There is a spray solution for the household that you can purchase at a vetenarians office - just explain what you would like. It is not expensive and works great - you do have to spray every room because if you only spray one room and hope it works your just shifting the fleas from one room to another and not getting rid of them.

You use frontline on your cats but im still finding afew fleas on your floorwhat can you do?

Go to your local petstore and look for flea spray for furniture and carpet. Also look for new flea meds. if Frontline isn't working for you.

How can you stop your dog from chewing its skin raw?

Usually when a dog does that they have allergies or fleas. I remember every summer my cat would get a raw patch of skin because he sucked on it because it itched from allergies. Answer Get the dog an "elizabethan collar" and give it a bath in soap for fleas. Get spray for fleas from the vet that will kill the fleas during their gestation cycle in your house. If you vacuum, be sure to spray inside the bag before putting it into the outside garbage.