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"Well, i have taken Xanax and Ativan before, but not in that amount. Generally a low dose(0.5mg) is sufficient for panic/anxiety attacks. If you are prescribed to take 4mg at a time, which I doubt, you will probably fall asleep for around a full day. Think about it. That's taking 8 mild doses of Xanax. I've taken 8 Ativans before and it really screws you up. Double vision, can't balance/walk well, and a generally out of it feeling. Can't drive or operate anything for a while. It'll most likely screw you up for over 24 hours. You might get some sort of stone or high off it, but it might be slightly uncomfortable. It's kind of like being really hammered off booze but your still able to think a bit. You probably have a different body type than me and benzo tolerance(Im a recovering alcoholic, alcoholic since 17 now 20. Got into some benzos after that). Some people will stay awake and just go into a blackout state where the person is still awake but completely unaware of what they're doing.


Hmmm... I take 3 to 4mg of Xanax a night. I sleep fairly nice with it, but I'm not stoned the next day. It really depends on a person's tolerance to benzos. Mine is taken because of R.A. and I wouldn't suggest someone just try to take 4mg of Xanax at once. I take it because it's hard (okay, impossible) to sleep when you're in severe pain. I can take 4mg and wake up 8 hours later and work for 10 hours. That's just me, though.

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

Yes and no. You will be fine, but have fun remembering any of it tomorrow.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

No, but were did you find 400mg?

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Q: Is it dangerous to take 4 mg of xanax at once?
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just as the person below said...YES you can take them together. i take 2000 mg of depakote a day and a 1mg of xanax whenever i need it. yes it is ok to take xanax with depakote. i take 1000mg of depakote er daily and 3mg xanax daily. only take xanax if prescibed to you or in extreme panic situations. never recreationnaly. withdrawels are a bitch if you get addicted

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