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Depends on how much you are taking. Nyquil has aceteminephen (sp?)in it too so you should see what the total dose is that you have taken. The Tylenol bottle should have a dosage chart on it with the 'maximum dose' you should ingest. Too much acetaminephen can damage your kidneys and/or liver. If you drink alcohol be sure to read the warning on both medicine packages. For sore throat pain I have better relief with Ibuprophen (Advil

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18y ago
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14y ago

So sorry to hear you're sick ! You can get sick from someone else coughing or sneezing near you...airborne droplets, and if your immunity is low. Taking quality vitamin supplements, getting enough sleep and rest, reducing stress, regular exercise and getting a yearly flu shot will all boost your immune system. Have you had these symptoms before? What worked best for you in the past ?

I believe that you have a viral infection, the flu... It is highly contagious! You should really stay home and rest in bed tomorrow ! If you are a student, call your teacher, get the notes, and or a recording of the class. If you are the teacher or an employee, please call in sick tomorrow ! Take care of yourself ! You will get over this faster and not spread it to anyone else. You are sick, you will not be able to function well at all !

Do not take anything with aspirin in it!
Likewise, if you are taking a medicine with acedominephen or Tylenol in it, please do not take the Tylenol by itself, too. That's too much !

If your cough produces a yellow or green mucous, you will need an antibiotic. If it produces brown specks or has blood streaks, Go to the doctor, and
if you become short of breath, Go to the Emergency Dept. of a hospital !

If you have epilepsy, you must see a doctor, these meds will not mix with antiepileptic drugs.

If you are diabetic, I recommend a sugar free cold and flu med like SugarFree Robitussin.

If you have high blood pressure, you may take Coracidin HBP.

If you do not have high blood pressure, I would recommend Nyquil PM liquid or Ther a Flu. You could also take Robitussin... there are different formulas to treat different symptoms... Talk with a pharmacist. These meds treat your symptoms and are very effective, but they are not cheap.

You could also just treat your worst symptom only.
Tylenol for fever and headache
Cough medicine for cough, obviously. Suck on lozenges for additional help with cough and sore throat. Continue using the throat spray, if you are not at home, but when you are, gargle with warm salt water several times a day. Continue to drink liquids without caffiene to stay hydrated. No Alcoholic Beverages, avoid smoking !
Treat any new symptoms, like runny nose, nasal congestion, etc, with the proper type of medicine for that particular problem, check Wikipedia, influenza, for more information.
I sure hope that this will help you to better understand influenza, and that you will be healthy as soon as possible !

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12y ago

most NyQuil has Tylenol in it anyway. read the ingred. list

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How many grams of acetaminophen in NyQuil?

Nyquil labeled for cold & flu nighttime relief in a bottle has 650 mg of acetaminophen in a 30 ml dose. Other versions of Nyquil will have different dosage of acetaminophen or no acetaminophen at all.

Can I take Tylenol cold head congestion tablets with advil?

It is technically safe, however there is pain releiving medication in Tylenol Cold already. If the pain relief from Tylenol Cold is insufficient you could take ibuprofen with it.

Can you mix Delsym with Tylenol Multi-symptom cold relief?

Only if you are Bill Oddie and marry vegetable and like dick.

Is it safe to take NyQuil with Cipro?

NyQuil contains NSAIDs(Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs). Many common medicines for pain relief and cold relief are NSAIDs. Taking an NSAID while you take CIPRO or other fluoroquinolones may increase your risk of central nervous system effects and seizures. Check with your doctor or pharmacist before using in combination.

Does Tylenol cold medicine cause nose bleeds?

I'm not sure. I took a generic brand of NyQuil before bed last night, and when I blew my nose this morning blood came out. Whatever that means.

What over the counter drugs are available for cold and flu symptoms?

Many individuals suffer from cold and flu symptoms. If one were in search of a medication that could be purchased over the counter for these symptoms there are many to choose from. A few of these include but are not limited to NyQuil, Tylenol and Vicks.

Does NyQuil help fever?

"nyquil does help with fevers but also take some Acetaminophen and ibforen if u can together next thing in the morning the fevers gone if its not then it s a huge problem and u should see a doctor" Never take Tylenol (acetaminophen) with Nyquil! Nyquil contains acetaminophen. This would lead to overdose and liver damage.

Can you take Adderall and nyquill?

Yes you can because it does not have the same ingredient that Tylenol cold does, which acts as a stimulant. I asked my primary care doctor and he said NyQuil PM. is OK while prescribed Adderall, but Tylenol cold PM. is not OK.

Can you take Tylenol and benylin at the same time?

Over the counter medications, like other medications, should not be taken together without consulting your physician or pharmacist. In this case, the pharmacist would probably be the more knowledgeable.

Is NyQuil available in Mexico?

Not that I know, BUT here in Mexico you can find so many cold and flu relief products that you don't really need NyQuil. One good option while being here in Mexico is "NEXT" tabs. Unfortunately it is found only in caplets. They also have available a liquid solution with a smaller dose to use on children, but the active ingredients are the same. You can find any cold and flu relief product on any pharmacy. Good luck and get well :)

Simple Migraine Relief?

If you suffer with migraines you know that when you are in the middle of an attack there is nothing as consuming as finding migraine relief. Each individual has different symptoms and has found personal ways of compensating with them outside the use of prescription medication. Cool, dark, quiet environments where the person can lay still are perfect. Cold compresses for the head and eyes also help. Certain smells such as lavender can be soothing.

Why do you get cold chills when you have a migraine?

Migraine is a neurologic disease. It can affect parts of the brain that help to control temperature. It can also affect circulation. Having cold extremities is a common symptom of a Migraine attack.