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A doctor should be consulted before taking malic acid, if a patient is already taking prescription drugs. Antacids, tetracycline, and antifungal medications are among those that can interact with malic acid and cause serious harm.

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Q: Is it safe to take malic acid with prescription drugs?
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How is Malic acid connected with food?

It is contained in some foods.... But is it safe for human intake?

Is malic acid found in apple juice good or bad for your child?

Malic acid found naturally in apple juice will be the L-isomer exclusively. This is the natural form of malic acid. Synthetic malic acid - the acid which has been produced rather than extracted - is a mixture of the two isomers, named D-malic acid and L-malic acid. Since it is impossible to separate the two, the mixture is often referred to as DL-malic acid. Natural L-malic acid has been declared suitable for all ages. D-malic acid should not be given to very young infants because they have not yet developed the enzymes to utilise malic acid in the Krebs cycle (which is how older humans metabolise it). If the apple juice is marketed for infants, it will not have D-malic acid added to it and will therefore be safe. Malic acid which has been used as an additive will usually have the E-number 296 and is likely to be synthetic. Any malic acid can be considered as a flavour enhancer or a preservative and is neither good nor bad for your child so long as they are older than infant age and brush their teeth regularly.

Where can you get safe pure drugs?

From a licensed pharmacy, with a prescription from your doctor

Why are prescription drugs safe to take?

They are safe because when the doctor gives you a prescription, it has the correct dose, and the correct amout. The doctor knows what type of chemicals you need in your body. that is why they are safe

Can prescription drugs help you drive safe?

ok well i would say yes but no

Prescription drugs are safe to take when driving is safe as long as prescribed by a doctor?

are always okay to take when driving as long as they are prescribed by a doctor

How are over the counter drugs made?

Over the counter drugs are made in the same way that prescription drugs are manufactured. They are made in safe and sterile factories with proper ingredients and quality control.

What levels of citric acid or sodium benzoate or malic acid or sodium citrates are acceptable for consumption?

Citric Acid and Sodium Citrate are considered safe at any level for a food manufacture. Malic acid is limited in various types of products and is used in its highest levels in hard candy 6.9%, Sodium Benzoate is also limited but across the board at 0.1% of the total food product. Sodium Benzoate and Citric Acid should never be used together in a product with a low pH as this causes other complications

Over-the-counter drugs are sold without a prescription because they are NOT dangerous?

Answer is C. are generally safe but can cause reactions in certain patients

What is the difference between prescription and non prescription medicines?

Prescription drugs require a prescription from a doctor to get. Non-prescription drugs can be bought by anyone. Certain eye medicine and deodorant can be considered prescription drugs that have to be ordered. Other types of drugs, like advil and other pain killers can be bough as non-prescription drugs.

Can i take levofloxacin and predisone?

If you have a prescription for them, yes because your doctor has determined that it is safe for you to take them. If you do not have a prescription then no because you don't know if your body will be able to handle the drugs or whether they will even help your condition or not.

Is it safe to smoke marijuana while taking prescription drugs?

That would be inadvisable, as it's very unlikely that the manufacturer has tested for side effects of his medicine together with illegal recreational drugs.