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Q: Is it safe to take miralax if you have ulcers?
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Is it harmful to take miralax on a regular bases?

Miralax, also known as Glycolax and now as several other products as well, is safe in long term use.

Is it safe to take ecstasy with a history of ulcers?

There is no guaranteed way to take Ecstasy safely, with or without a history of ulcers.

Is miralax available in Australia?

Is MiraLAX found in Australia

What is a good daily stool softener for children that is safe?

- polyethylene glycol sold as Miralax, Glycolax and others. - docusate - mineral oil.

What are mouth ulcers and are they dangerous?

However, canker sores or mouth ulcers are not contagious nor are they dangerous. It is safe to share the same food and even to kiss. However, canker sores or mouth ulcers are not contagious nor are they dangerous. It is safe to share the same food and even to kiss?

How long does it take for miralax to work?

MiraLAX is used to treat constipation. It may take a few hours to begin working. It usually causes a bowel movement in one to three days.

Can any one help have bowel overflow on a powder mixed with water three days now how long does it take to work feeling sick and very bloated?

Hi, I have this problem. My doctor said to drink miralax or benefiber everyday to regulate me, even though miralax says 7 days, she said it's safe to use it everyday. I hope this helps you. I also recommend you see a gastrointerologist.

Can dogs take miralax?

Not a good idea, although a vet once told us to give our dog pepto.

Can cats get ulcers?

Yes, they can get ulcers. Both ulcers and broken jaws are very painful and require the attention of a vet. Please take Boots to the vet pronto.

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Does miralax come in pill form?


What could you do to avoid catching stomach ulcers from a family member?

Stomach ulcers are not contagious. You do not have to take any precautions.