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Q: Is it safe to take mosegor vitamins while breastfeeding?
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While Monavie Active and Monavie Pulse are not recommended to those that are breastfeeding it is safe to drink the Monavie Original blend while breastfeeding. The original blend is composed of 19 fruits with no additives so it is completely safe for anyone to drink.

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There are lots of medications safe while breastfeeding. Call your local lactation consultant and have her check the meds before taking them

Is it safe to eat beef liver while breastfeeding?

I dont think it is

Is niacin safe to take while breastfeeding?

Niacin is considered to likely be safe while breastfeeding, as long as it is taken in doses no higher than the recommended amounts. Check with your doctor to see if it is recommended in your particular situation.

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Is solumux safe for breastfeeding mom

Can you take Erythromycin you are in your second trimester?

Yes, erythromycin is safe in pregnancy, and while breastfeeding

Can you drink coffee with ganoderma when breastfeeding?

I have been doing so and have not seen any change in my child's behavior or health. The seller has assured it is safe to drink while breastfeeding.

Can pregnant breast feeding take Motrin?

Motrin is safe while breastfeeding but is not recommended during pregnancy.