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Please don't kill the bees at your fish pond. They are drinking there because there is no other suitable water supply nearby. Bees are essential for the environment and are having enough problems surviving without having people deliberately killing them.

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Q: Is it safe to use the soapy water spray to kill bees that drink from the fish pond?
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While bumblebees are a beneficial insect, they sometimes cause problems if there are many of them. One easy repellent is to spray them with soapy water. This will drive them away without killing them.

What happens when you spray water at a beehive?

They get wet. Unless the jet of water is strong enough to injure them, that is all that happens.

Does salami keep bees away?

yes, it is an old remedy from 1844 invented by Arnold King

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How can you get rid of virescent green metallic bees?

You can kill and get rid of these bees just like any other type of bees. There are several different methods which include soapy water, gasoline, and pest sprays.

Do honey bees swim?

No. Bees seen around water are there to drink. They also collect water to take back to the hive.

Does vinegar get rid of bees?

Yes, vinegar will get rid of bees. In order to use vinegar as a bee deterrent, simply dilute vinegar with some water in a spray bottle. Use the spray bottle and spray the bee prone area.

How do you drink bees?

You do not drink 'Bees' but you can drink 'mead' which is made from honey made by the Bees.

Why do bees like your pool?

Like all animals, bees need to drink. They will also take water back to the hive for the other bees.

What does bee drink?

bees are insects. They don't play but they do alot of work.Bees drink by the water.They drink any water they could see.

Will soapy water kill africanized honey bees?

In sufficient quantities soapy water will kill any bee because it will drown. It makes no difference whether they are africanized or not. There has been a lot of fear drummed up about africanized bees by the sensationalist media. They look no different from a European honey bee and their sting is no worse. The problem is they are far more defensive and sting more readily.

What will happen when you spray water to bees?

Spraying water on bees can disrupt their ability to fly and can make them lethargic. However, they will typically shake off the water and continue their activities once they dry off. It is not a recommended method of getting rid of bees as it can harm them and may provoke them to sting in defense.