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No. Trees, often being much taller than surrounding structures, will attract lightning strikes. and the tree can get on fire

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4d ago

Seeking shelter under a tree during a thunderstorm is not safe as trees are more likely to be struck by lightning due to their height and conductivity. It is recommended to seek shelter in a sturdy building or a hard-topped metal vehicle during a thunderstorm.

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Q: Is it safe under a tree during a thunderstorm?
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Is it safe to take cover under a tree during a thunderstorm?

No, it is not safe to take cover under a tree during a thunderstorm. Lightning can strike trees and the electrical charge can travel through the tree roots and the ground, potentially harming someone underneath the tree. It is safer to seek shelter in a building or a hard-topped metal vehicle during a thunderstorm.

Where should you not be during a thunderstorm?

Standing Under A tree!

Why do you shelter under a tree during a thunderstorm?

Sheltering under a tree during a thunderstorm is not safe because trees are a prominent target for lightning strikes. Lightning tends to strike taller objects, and trees can conduct the electricity from a lightning strike to the ground, putting anyone near them at risk of electrocution. It is safer to find shelter in a sturdy building or a fully enclosed vehicle during a thunderstorm.

Why sheltering under a tree during a thunderstorm?

it is dangerous to shelter under a tree during a lightning storm because the tree is likely to be hit so it will fall on you and you'll get squashed.

It is dangerous to stand under a large tree during a thunderstorm?

Yes, it is dangerous to stand under a large tree during a thunderstorm because trees are prone to lightning strikes, which can be risky for anyone in close proximity. It is safer to seek shelter indoors or in a hard-topped vehicle during a thunderstorm.

Is under a large tree the safest place to be other than indoors during a thunderstorm?

No. In fact, being under a large tree could pose danger from lightning.

Is it bad to take cover under a tree in a thunderstorm?

Yes, it is not safe to take cover under a tree during a thunderstorm as trees can attract lightning strikes. It is safer to seek shelter in a sturdy building or a fully enclosed metal vehicle.

In a thunderstorm if you can't be indoors the safest place to be is under a large tree.?


In a thunderstorm if you can't be indoors the safest place to be under a large tree?


In a thunderstorm if you can't be indoors the safest place to be is under a large tree?


Is during a thunderstorm a sentence?

No. It is a prepositional phrase It does not have a subject or verb and does not express a complete thought. And example of a sentence with this phrase is: "The tree fell during a thunderstorm."

Why is it dangerous to run under a tall tree when thunderstorm hits?

Running under a tall tree during a thunderstorm is dangerous because the tree can attract lightning due to its height and position. Lightning can strike the tree, leading to the risk of being directly or indirectly hit by the lightning. It is safer to seek shelter in a sturdy building or a low-lying area away from trees during a thunderstorm.