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Astrological horoscopes and numerology are considered divination arts and not recognized by the Scientific community.

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Q: Is it scientific to believe in horoscopes or numerology to predict your future outcomes?
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Is a daily horoscope reliable?

Many people believe in daily horoscopes. There is nothing scientific to support this but it is up to your own discretion to determine if you believe in horoscopes.

Do people that believe in horoscopes believe in God?

Some people who believe in horoscopes believe in God while others do not. Some may believe in other gods.

In what way do horoscopes influence us?

They influence people who actually believe in them. For example, if their horoscope says that something bad will happen today, they will be more careful. Although there is no proof that horoscopes do influence a person's behaviour or characteristics, astrology and horoscopes have been used by many cultures throughout history. There is strong evidence to suggest that many leading scientific pioneers were interested in astrology and horoscopes and believed they had some value. The validity of horoscopes can be questioned, however, such figures as Carl Jung, Johannes Kepler, Galileo Galilei and Nicolaus Copernicus all had an interest in horoscopes and astrology in general

How many people believe horoscopes?

I believe in horoscopes- my own, anyway. I just made one using my Tarot cards for June 26 2007- June 26 2008. It looks pretty good for my family- except for September.

Do you believe your daily horoscope?

This is a subjective question, but answering as objectively as possible will be the goal here. Daily Horoscopes change many people's outlook on their day, and many believe in it, while there is also the group that does not in any way pay attention to daily horoscopes.

Why did she get mad when I told her horoscopes aren't real?

She most likely felt that you were making fun of her or calling her stupid. A person can believe in what they wish. If you don't believe as she does, you don't need to belittle her to let her know. Just say that you don't believe in horoscopes and that you don't wish to discuss them. Be respectful and you will get respect in return.

Is there anyway to predict cricket winners by astrology or numerology?

It depends if you believe in astrology or numerology, many people predict the wins that way and put money, sometimes they win, sometimes they lose.

How many outcomes are possible if 10 coins are tossed together?

I believe there would be 11 possible outcomes!

Is numerology real?

Numerology is a belief system that assigns meaning to numbers. While some people find personal insights from numerology readings, it is not considered a science and lacks empirical evidence to support its claims. Its effectiveness is subjective and varies from person to person.

If horoscopes aren't real why do we use them then?

For entertainment. People like to hear their fortunes, even if they don't really believe in it.

Can you keep reading your horoscopes even though im a christian?

Yes of course u can. U just must make sure u are NOT MISLEAD by these horoscopes. I myself am a Christian but i read them anyway. I dont believe in them i just am curious to see what they say.

How do a Virgo teen please her sagettarious boyfriend?

Horoscopes doesn't matter, only personality. Well, if you believe horoscopes to be true, I'm a Sagittarius and I would like stuff, hugs, and lots of joking around. In the end, typical boyfriend/girlfriend stuff.