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Q: Is it sin to use pages of my old bible for art?
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How many pages does The Iciest Sin have?

The Iciest Sin has 162 pages.

Is it a sin to throw away a bible?

If one believes in the concept of sin, then it becomes a matter of intent. Do you throw the Bible away because of contempt, disgust, or intentional disrespect? Then it would be a sin. Do you throw the Bible away because it is tattered, has missing pages, and is falling apart? Then it is no sin, it is the proper thing to do (though it should be burned or buried separately - don't toss it in a bag with the spoiled chicken).

How meanny pages are in the Bible?

It depends on the font size and the page size. What is the message of the Bible would be a better question. The message of the Bible is: How everything was created, how everything got corrupted through sin and how God put an end for the sin and its corruption by sending Jesus to die for sins.

How many pages does The Last Sin Eater have?

The Last Sin Eater has 336 pages.

How many pages does Original Sin - novel - have?

Original Sin - novel - has 400 pages.

In the Bible What is yeast a symbol of?

In the Bible, yeast represents sin.

Is it a sin to steal a Bible?

In Christianity, yes, it is a sin to steal anything, including the Bible.

Does the word 'sin' appear in the Hebrew bible?

Yes, I am sure that the concept of sin appears in every true translation of the Bible, though Hebrew would not translate sin as sin, but they picked a very specific word that desribes something such as sin. Our language has gone through millions of changes and therefore, our translation of the Bible was translated many times through many languages (German, Latin) from the original copies of the Bible, of which the Old Testament was written in classical Hebrew with the New Testament being recorded in Koine Greek.AnswerNo, the word 'sin' does not appear in the Tanach (Jewish Bible). The word most commonly translated as sin is actually an archery term that means 'to miss the mark'.

What is the BIBLE meaning of willfull sin?

Willful sin means comitting sin knowingly, and with a desire to do sin.

What does the bible say about sin and blasphemy?

that sin and blasphemy are bad and and blasphemy is the only unforgivable sin

Was there anyone in the bible that did not sin?

In Christian belief, Jesus is considered to be the only person who lived a sinless life according to the Bible. This is a core tenet of the faith. Other figures in the Bible, including prominent figures like Moses, David, and Paul, are shown to have sinned in various ways.

What book of th Bible can the origins of all sin be found?

It is found in the first book of the old testament called genesis.