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Haha, no, it's a matter of symmetry and a lot of people have this problem. If one half of a face is very good, it's difficult to make the second one look as perfect and proportional because you may be trying to carry over features to the other side. Using rough, faint guide lines in pencil to give identical shapes on each half of the face can help before you start with the final details. The best way to do this is with rulers, compasses, and shape templates. You can also use thin tracing paper and fold it in half to copy things to the other side... or, if you really must, copy-paste and flip it with a computer. All of this is only necessary with a direct front view of the face.

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Q: Is it some kind of a symptom when one is only able to draw half a face perfectly?
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.........................................../I ...............:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.////

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