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The American Flag.

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Q: Is it the American flag or the US Flag?
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Related questions

What US flag name?

american flag

What flag was based on the us flag?

The flag of Liberia - an African nation founded by an American - is very similar to the American flag.

Which American flag features the union flag?

The US flag incorporates and has developed from the Union flag

Which flag should be larger the Texas flag or the American flag?

According to the US Flag Code, the US Flag should be larger in size and (if flying on the same pole), at the top of the pole. If flying the American flag with a state flag, the American flag needs to be on a taller pole than the state flag and displayed on the flag's right side. If flying them on poles of equal size, then flying the American flag on the flag's right side is correct.

Was the American union flag just the American flag?

No. There are many American flags. Each country has its own. The union flag became what is today the US flag.

Where in the Bible and the us flag mention?

The American flag is not mentioned in the bible.

What is the difference between a real American flag and the US Flag?

There is no such thing as the American flag. America consists of two continents, each country has its own flag. As does the USA.

What is the only flag in the us that can be hung at the same height as the American flag?

th e Texas flag

Is the American flag made by Americans?

There is no American flag. Presumably you mean the US flag. Not always. Sometimes they're made in different countries but I assure you it is still very much an American flag.

What flag can fly above the US flag?

No flag can be flown the American flag when on American soil.

Is Mississippi state flag is flown above the US flag?

NO. as approved by congress "NO STATE FLAG" shall be flown above the American Flag.

How many star in us flag 2012?

There are 50 stars on the American flag