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Q: Is it true all persons with Alzheimer's disease have the same characteristics?
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Is aspartame disease the same as Alzheimers disease?

No aspartame is purely a sweetener, however if you heat it to over 84 degrees it does give of formalderhyde

Is it true that the behavior worsens at night if you have alzheimers disease?

NO .... this is not true the effects are the same everywere, every time..

What does it mean when two palms are the same?

The persons characteristics are the same also.

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The same as 11th sep 1979 born persons The same as 12th oct 1980 born persons The same as 13th nov 1981 born persons The same as 14th dec 1982 born persons The same as 15th Jan 1983 born persons The same as 16th feb 1984 born persons The same as 17th mar 1985 born persons The same as 18th apr 1986 born persons The same as 19th may 1987 born persons That being, that they are all persons - humans. The time of a birth will not affect one's "characteristics"... just the time period in which they will experience events. A man born in September is no different than a woman born in March... except for the gonads, perhaps.

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It is a disease affecting many persons at the same and spreading from person to person in a locality where the disease is not permanently prevalent

What are the characteristics of gay and lesbian people?

Being sexually and romantically interested in persons of the same gender as your self, and not the other gender. Otherwise, there are no distinguishing characteristics.

Is the proportion of ill persons in a population the same as the probability that a random selected person in that population will have disease?

If I understand your question, yes, the proportion of people in a population ill with a certain disease at a given time is the same as the probablility that a randomly selected person in that population will have the disease at that time.

Is dementia and alzheimers the same?

Not exactly. Alzheimer's is one form of Dementia, but there are others.

Is alzheimers a mental illness?

Alzheimer's is a form of dementia seen in the elderly. This is a progressive, terminal disorder that results in a range of symptoms most notably memory loss. However, as the illness progresses other cognitive (mental) functions also become affected. In some cases, patients with Alzheimers develop psychotic symptoms (such as paranoia or hallucinations). However, not all patients do. Therefore, Alzheimers is a form of dementia, not psychosis. However, in some cases patients may present with some psychotic symptoms.

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no Miley Cyrus and Hannah Montana are the same persons..

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What are organisms that have the same characteristics called?

They have the same phenotype.