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Hey head shut the up and do your own E2020 work , sitting their in Eagle Pass High School failing and shiz,

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Q: Is it true dispersed particles in colloids have polar surfaces that attract the dispersion medium particles?
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Importance of clay minerals?

Importance of Clay Minerals:The clay minerals and soil organic matter are colloids.The most important property of colloids is their small size and large surface area. The total colloidal area of soil colloids may range from 10m2/g to more than 800 m2/g depending the external and internal surfaces of the colloid.Soil colloids also carry negative or positive charges on their external and internal surfaces. The presence of charge influences their ability to attract or repulse charge ions to or from surfaces.Soils colloids play a very important role in the chemical reaction which take play in soil and influence the movement and retention of contaminants, metals, and nutrients in the soil.

What is the grinding and wearing down of rock surfaces by by other rock or sand particles?


Soil erosion occurs when?

rainfall and runoff displace soil particles from inadequately protected surfaces.

What is a type of wind erosion in which wind-blown particles scrape away the surfaces of rocks?


How is a gecko advantageous than covalent interaction?

Geckos can walk up walls and hang from ceilings, apparently from glass as well. This is now known to be due to the interaction of extremely small projections on the toes with the surfaces via London dispersion forces. To the gecko London dispersion forces are indeed advamtageous.

What is added to dust particles in the electric dust blower that makes them adhere to surfaces better?

static charge

How will different surfaces affect the speed of a roller skate on an incline plane?

It depends on its roughness of the surface. The roughness on the surfaces will tell you how much friction will be acting. It is believed that the friction is caused by the interaction of the particles at sub-atomic level. The greater the interaction between the particles, the greater the friction. The more rough the surface, the less area will interact with both surfaces. Different surfaces, will have different friction coefficients, which decide if the roller skate will slip or not slip.

What way can an animal cause mechanical weathering?

Earthworms tunnel through the soil and move soil particles around. The motion breaks some particles into smaller particles. It also exposes fresh surfaces to continued weathering

In what way can an animal cause mechanical weathering?

Earthworms tunnel through the soil and move soil particles around. The motion breaks some particles into smaller particles. It also exposes fresh surfaces to continued weathering.

Wind can carry particles along sandblast rock surfaces polishing or pitting this process is called?

weathering and erosion

Why are fuzzies showing up on your hardwood floor randomly?

Depending on what they look like, most likely they are what is referred to as 'dust bunnies'. A collection of dirt, dust, and other particles that commonly collect on surfaces in a home. They are more visible on hardwood surfaces because, unlike carpet, there are no fibers for the dirt and particles to attach themselves to.