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Dreams are strange things but I believe everyone has a dream

Yes, everyone dreams during each period of sleep, whether the dreams are remembered or not. See the attached link, below, for further information.


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Q: Is it true everyone has a dream even if they don't remember it?
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What if you never remember dreams and you dream about a person a few times?

You obviously like them or if you dont maybe u want to find out about them and if you like them dont be afraid to ask them out even if your a girl and you dream of a guy im a guy but i dont see the problem with girls asking guys out at all

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Does everyone have a dream?

Yes people might have dreams because they think they can do it and even poor people have dreams

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Does everyone dream while they're sleeping?

Everyone dreams while they are sleeping but not everybody remembers it, so if people tell you they don't have dreams, they are i not mistaken........ i kno i not dreamYes, but not everyone remembers them when they wake up.It is possible to have REM sleep with no dreaming. I just had a sleep study, and it was confirmed that I was not dreaming during the REM phase of sleep. According to the technician, in order to remember a dream, one must wake up during or just after the dream. Otherwise it is not remembered. However, it is wrong to assume that everyone dreams and just do not remember the dreams. Some people do not dream very often.Humans dream every 1/2 hour and seldom remember most of them and that's because they are in total REM sleep (meaning a deep sleep with eyes moving back and forth under closed eyelids.) When a person is stressed out they are not in total REM sleep (tossing/turning) and it's the last few seconds just before waking that an individual can remember a dream or nightmares. Nightmares are caused from stress. If a human didn't dream they actually would go crazy. Dreaming releases tension in the body and mind.Yes, everyone does dream. Normally, people don't remember their dreams. When you decide you want to sleep, you fall into a daydream, that is where you dream a nightmare or a more pleasant dream. You then fall into a deep sleep, this is where most people forget their dreams.Yes, everyone of every age dreams at night. Dreams often occur in the rem stage of sleep, which is often the last 15-30 minutes of the sleep cycle, Even though one may not recall or remember what they were dreaming about, the brain is still working and dreams still occur.Everyone does not dream every night. I sleep, but only few nights I dream. Thank God that I remember everything! and some dreams too when I see dreams. We do not see dreams every night because "Dreams are not the things we see while we are sleeping, It is a thing that does not let us sleep". You would have observed that when you do not see dream, when you wake-up you are Fresh! but when you dream, you feel like sleeping again and feel lazy. Its just that "We do not dream every time we sleep"

How can you recall your dream without practicing and stuff?

Try recalling a single moment of the dream. Usually if you want to recall a dream, it's because you remember a tiny detail about it and want to remember more. Take that tiny detail and try to remember what immediately came before or after it. If you don't remember anything at all, try remembering what you felt the moment you woke up, or what it is that woke you up. Often times something that wakes you up is worked into your dream. I remember if someone wakes me up by saying something to me, the last thing I remember before that is someone saying the same thing to me in my dream. Start there. Even if you don't remember it right away, your subconscious will try to remember even when you stop focusing on it, so you may remember later. But, without practicing, there's not much more you can do beyond that. And, since I've never tried, I can't tell you how to start practicing... and stuff.

Why doesn't Yuna marry Tidus even though she loves him?

She can't because remember Tidus is from the dream world.

How would you fix a friendship after telling everyone who they liked?

You cant fix something That you've said why dont you ask her to tell everyone who you like then your even.

Why do you move things when you sleep?

because if u dream sometimes ur brain sending shocks to ur muscles then they moveu mostly get this when u are sleeping and then waking up , even for a few seconds, and fall a sleep again.then ur brain is more active then beforewhen u get in dep sleep u have 95% chance u dont remember ur dream anymorewhen u turn in ur second sleep (u dont notice when u turn from sleep to sleep)u will remember ur dream in the morningso if u move things u brobaly are sleepwalking or anything, u dont do this on purpose, u think in ur dream ur walking in ur room or somewhere else and ur brains actually takes the dream serious and hands it over to ur muscles.enjoy the weekend

Does everyone have dreams?

In my opinion, a dream is something you imagine, maybe a dream of becoming the world's best singer, or simply dreaming you got an A on a test. Let me answer your question with a question, do you know one person that has never dreamed that the result was different than what is was?AnswerYes everyone has dreams except sometimes people don't remember but everyone always has dreams.AnswerYes, everyone has dreams. If humans didn't dream they'd go crazy as it's the brains way of releasing stress. Most humans that sleep properly (no insomnia) go into a REM sleep (deep sleep where the eyes constantly go from side to side with lids closed.) Humans dream every 1/2 hour, but usually don't remember any of the dreams. Dreams they do remember or nightmares are generally the first few seconds before you wake even though the dream may feel like it's gone on forever. Scientists that study dream patterns in people believe that a person will awake before any harm comes to them or they would die. eg: Dreaming you are falling off a building and flying through the air. You'll wake before you hit the ground.AnswerNo, studies have shown that damage to parts of the brain (often the parietal lobe) can stop dreaming completely. Though it is safe to say most if not all people with normal brains do dream, though not all of them remember it.

What is said about someone who doesn't dream?

They still dream, even though they may not remember it. Everyone dreams about 4-5 times a night. About half of the human population doesn't recall their dreams because they wake up during NREM sleep. There is a 15% chance of remembering your dreams when waking up from NREM sleep, Whereas it is almost always remembered during REM sleep.

Do man always dream when they asleep?

People dream whenever they sleep and enter the phase of sleep called R.E.M. In this phase, dreams are created by the brain. Presumably, dreams have the function of ordering the experiences of the day and deal with a person's hopes and fears. Even though you may have as much as four or five dreams a night, few people remember even one of these. This is because the brain in this phase does not really "remember" anything. The only reason why you'd remember a dream is if you woke up during or just after a dream, and the images were still fresh in your mind. Because you'd focus on these thoughts, the "waking brain" would then try and remember it. It is possible for people to enter a "dreamless" sleep, of which narcosis is an example, as well as narcolepsy, where people fall asleep instantly even when awake.