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But don't tie it back tight at.night.:)

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Q: Is it true if you tie your hair back at night it grows longer faster?
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When does your long hair grow back?

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If you shave at a early age then?

If you shave at an early age your hair there grows back faster.

What happens if you shave you arm hair?

It grows back faster and sometimes a darker color the more you shave.

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If you shave your chest hair will it grow back thicker?

Yes, it will grow back thicker and darker. But shaving your chest itches very badly.

If i use nair a few times will the hair on my arms stop growing back?

Nair is to remove hair for longer, it will eventually grow back. I understand that the hair grows back, but i heard that if you repeatedly use nair, the hair will not grow back.

Does laser hair removal result in faster regrowth?

Because of the old wives tale that shaving one's hair will cause it to grow back faster, this is a common rumor. However, because of damage caused by the laser to the hair follicle, hair removed by laser actually grows back slower.

Can you shave your stomach or will it come back prickly?

You can shave it but you would be better off waxing it. It would be itchy when it grows back and if you wax it it will last longer and won't be so hard to remove the next time.

What happens to the body when you sleep?

answer me back if im wrong but I asked my mom and she said it grows and grows and grows