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Yes it is very true

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Q: Is it true more than 99 percent of known matter in the universe is in the plasma state?
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The physical forms of matter which are solid liquid gas and plasma?

Solids, liquids, gases, and plasmas are the four states of matter. That means that they're the four physical states a substance can take.

How many forms can matter take?

3 is the common answer, but in reality there are 5. In order from coldest to hottest it it Bose-Einstein (most uncommonly known) Solid (commonly known) Liquid (commonly known) Gas (commonly known) Plasma (known)

Is fire a gas or a plasma?

No, it's is a chemical reaction (this part is true)Short_answer:">Short_answer:">Short answer:Yes, fire is plasma.Plasma is the fourth state of matter. It is also the coolest state of matter (this is not scientific fact). Sadly many science textbooks are outdated and do not represent the current known states of matter. The Known states of matter are solid, liquid, gas, plasma, and Bose-Einstein Condensates (the total absence of energy in matter). Plasma is simply the exchange of electrons between atoms.Detailed_answer:">Detailed_answer:">Detailed answer:Fire is a reaction between atoms/molecules, in which the valence electrons are exchanged. The amount of energy released in this exchange is quite large. As Oxygen molecules (O2) given enough energy will take/share electrons from most nearby atoms/molecules in order to complete its first full valence orbital. The amount of energy that Oxygen expends is so great it excites its own valence electrons so much that they, escape the strong pull of the positive nucleus and, fly away from the Oxygen atom. When these electrons fly away from the Oxygen atom they lose energy as photons and or heat. The electrons lose energy and can no longer escape the strong pull of the Oxygen atom and are pulled back into the valence orbital. The Oxygen atom then gains more and more energy until its valence electrons fly off again, and after losing energy they are pulled back into the valence orbital of the oxygen atom. [Please note: oxygen is not required to produce plasma] This reaction creates a kind gaseous soupy mixture of both positively and negatively charged particles, known as plasma. The bright glow emitted from fire and plasma is the electrons flying off and releasing their energy as photons.Plasma can be found everywhere in neon signs, plasma screen TVs it is fire, florescent tubes, lightning (or any form arcing electricity), the Aura Borealis, it composes every star in the universe (with the exception of neutron stars) making it the most common state of matter in the universe, and in you. Plasma is essential to human life without it the chemical reactions that keep us alive and warm would cease. Plasma is simply the exchange of electrons between atoms.

Name the 7 general properties of matter?

there are only 2...VOLUME - the space filling up the insides (eg.)the volume on a square is the inside.MASS - the weight of an object takes upAll other properties are matters of description.No what about size, texture, color, mass, hardness, and shape

What is another name for Plasmapheresis?

It is also known as therapeutic plasma exchange.

Related questions

99 percent of the known matter in the universe?

99 percent of the known matter in the universe is said to be in the plasma state, This is a state where matter consists of ionized gas which makes it visible.

Is more than 99 percent of the known matter in the universe is in the plasma state?

Yes it is very true

What is the most abundant state of matter in the solar system?

plasma i think...Dark_Energy_&_Dark_Matter">Answer: Dark Energy & Dark MatterIn the newest research, it is said that for calculations to make sense regarding the mass of the universe, an unknown (at that time) substance must exist aside from ordinary matter (atoms). To provide some numbers (percentage of matter in known Universe):Atoms: 4.6%Dark matter: 23%Dark energy: 72%For more info see the link below.

What percentage of matter in the universe isn't plasma?

Of the visible, baryonic matter in the universe, about 0.1% is not plasma, according to some hurried estimates. This includes the large gas giants, such as Saturn and Jupiter. Most all of the Sun's hydrogen and helium is ionized, and most of the interstellar medium as well.However, ordinary matter, the stuff plasma is made up of, only constitutes about 5% of the total mass-energy of the universe. Some 27% is dark matter, and it is not known whether dark matter can form plasma of any kind. It's safe to say that less than 5% of the total mass-energy of the universe comes as baryonic plasma.

What state of matter is the most common in the universe and is associated with high temp?

Plasma, commonly known as the fourth state of matter, is not abundant on Earth but is prevalent in deep space.

What is the universes most common matter?

According to current estimates, the mass in the Universe is made up of: * 68% dark energy. Not much is known yet about this type of substance. * 27% dark matter. Not much is known about this type of substance, either. * 5% regular matter - matter of known composition. Most of the regular matter is in the form of atoms; and most of it is in a state of matter known as a plasma.

What state of matter is well known but uncommon on earth?


What the only well known state of matter that is uncommon on earth is?


What are the three common states of matter?

There are currently 5 known states of matter. The three that most people are familiar with are solids, liquids and gasses. The two that are less familiar are plasma and Bose-Einstein condensate (which has only ever been created in the laboratory).

What is the most common form of matter?

Dark energy is believed to make up about 73% of the mass of the Universe; dar matter about 23%; and normal matter - the kind we know most about - about 4%. In the case of normal matter, most of it is still in the form of hydrogen.

Each state of matter is also known as?

a gas, a liquid, a solid, or plasma. :)

Is a white dwarf star including in plasma?

No. A white dwarf is not plasma. It is an entirely different state known as electron degenerate matter.