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Q: Is it true of that false fossil fuels can be counted on to provides for Earth's future energy demands?
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What is the element that could meet earths energy demands?

Uranium 238

What type of energy provides almost all earths energy?


What provieds energy for earths water cycle?

Sun provides energy for earth's water cycle. It provides thermal energy for evaporation.

What provides and has always provided most of earths energy for living things and technology?

solar energy

What provides the energy for the water cycle and other processes on earths surface?

The sun

Name the energy source that starts heat travels as light and provides energy for all of earths food chains?

this source is sun

What is a unit of measurement that refers to the relative energy demands of an activity to comparison to your energy demands in a resting state is known as a?

A unit of measurement that refers to the relative energy demands of an activity in comparison to your energy demands in a resting state is known as MET. MET (Metabolic Equivalent) is defined as the ratio of the work metabolic rate to the resting metabolic rate.

Where is the mitochondria in your body?

It demands energy from ATP, which in turn creates energy for your body.

What is energy from heat in earths interior?

Geothermal Energy

Where is the earths energy released?

Earths energy is released when there is too much heat inside of Earth and volcano's erupt.

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what does the energy come out as when a shift occurs in the earths crust called

Which does the electron tranportchain do during cellular respiration?

it provides energy that powers the formation of atp