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Q: Is it true or false Mendel's experiments showed that the traits of an offspring were not a blend of the characteristics of the parents?
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Scientists used data from Gregor Mendels studies to choke that information about traits passed from parents to offspring through?

Traits are passed from parents to offspring through genes.

The passing on of characteristics from parents to offspring?

The passing on of characteristics from parents to offspring is known as heredity. Some characteristics include hair or eye color, dimples and freckles.

How discovery allowed scientist to explain how characteristics are passed from parents to offspring?

Genetics was the field that gave the best clues and Mendel's experiments and observations helped.

What discovery allowed scientist to explain how characteristics are passed from parents to offspring?

Genetics was the field that gave the best clues and Mendel's experiments and observations helped.

Characteristics offspring inherit from there parents?

genes that we get from our parents that are passed down to the offspring.

What is the form offspring similar to parents?

form offspring similar to parents in the animal cell

The triat that appears in the offspring is called?

the characteristics which are passed on by to a offspring by its parents

What are passed from parents to offspring?

genetic characteristics

What passes from offspring to parents?

genetic characteristics

The study of how characteristics are transmitted from parents to offspring?


What is the passing of physical characteristics from parents of offspring?

yo moma

What is the passing down characteristics from parents to their offspring called?
