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Yes, it is true.

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Q: Is it true that An agreement between the US and Britain over the boundary of Oregon was peacefully settled in the late 1840s?
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What was the Treaty of Oregon?

It was an agreement between Great Britain and the US that detailed the boundary between Oregon Country and Canada.

What agreement set the boundary between US and British?

The Oregon Treaty set the boundary at the 49th Parallel.

The dispute over the Oregon boundary was between the US and what?

Great Britain

What were the consequences of the Rush-Bagot Treaty?

An agreement between Britain and the United States, right after the War of 1812, that severely limited naval armament on the Great Lakes. This resulted with Canada and the US sharing the lakes peacefully.

Who was the dispute over the Oregon boundary between?

Between Great Britain and the USA

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The dispute over the Oregon boundary was between who?

It was between Great Britain and of course the United States.

What was the secret agreement between the US and great Britain?

The Atlantic Charter.

What temporarily resolved the boundary issue between Great Britain and the US?

The convention of 1818.

What agreement with Great Britain disarmed the Great Lakes?

The Rush- Bagot Treaty was an agreement between the United States and Great Britain to disarm the Great Lakes. This was a positive step for peace between the two nations.

The dispute over the Oregon boundary was between?

The dispute over where the Oregon boundary was located was between the United States and Great Britain. They were in disagreement on where the boarder between Oregon and Canada should be drawn.

What was Entente?

a friendly agreement. if you are talking about the Triple entente, it was the agreement between Great Britain, France, and Russia during WW1