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Q: Is it true that Because the Kushites may have been the first civilization they were not influenced by the Egyptian culture but rather heavily influenced them?
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Why did the Kush likes Egyptian culture?

The Kushites were absorbed into the Egyptian culture because the Egyptians were stronger than the Kushite people. The Kushites borrowed most of their culture and ideas from the Egyptians. The Kush people were part of those to rule the area once Egypt fell as the ruling power. The Kushites first viewed the Egyptian people as equals, then as rulers, and then as subordinates.

Why might the kushites have viewed themselves as guardians of egyptians values?

The Kushites might have viewed themselves as guardians of Egyptian values because they had conquered Egypt and learned their language, culture, and even worshipped their gods. They adopted the customs and clothing styles of the Egyptian upper class; so the Egyptian culture essentially became their culture.

Was the Egyptian civilization democratic Give reasons?

no because their were kings

How was the success Egyptian civilization tied to the Nile river?

The Nile river tied to the success of the Egyptian civilization because the Nile river cause cataracts (rapids) which prevented invasions.

What are Egyptian and Kush civilizations shared similar?

The Kushite and Egyptian cultures were similar because Jush was under Egyptian rule for about 500 years.

What did Egypt have because the ancient Egyptian civilization was located on the banks of the Nile river?


Why did the ancient Egyptian civilization begin on the banks of the river bank?

The ancient Egyptian civilization began on the banks of theNnile because it was fertile land to grow crops and there was water available for people and animals to use.

How might the Olmec civilizations have influenced later civilization in Mesoamerica?

The olmec civilization have influences civilizations in mesoamerica because the olmec formed the urban civilization in mesoamerica and they had impressive sculptures and buildings

Why did Egyptian civilization fail?

They failed because they were conquered by the romans, and their warfare weapons were'nt good enough to defend them.

How did ancient Egypt influence modern civilization?

AnswerThe main influence on the American culture fron the Egyptians was the Egyptians invention of Hygrolyphics. The English alphabet eventually formed out of hygrolyphics.

How was the success of the Egyptians civilization tied to the Nile river?

The Nile river tied to the success of the Egyptian civilization because the Nile river cause cataracts (rapids) which prevented invasions.

How are mueseums connected to acient mythology?

Part of history is ancient Greek, roman, and egyptian civilization and their belief , pottery, ext.(basically all the suff they did because they where an old civilization :) )