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No. It was a siege which looked as though it would destroy the Army of the Cumberland, and would have allowed the Confederates a big move North.

But Grant came East to relieve the Army of the Cumberland, and in the end, it was a Union victory.

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Q: Is it true that The Battle of Chattanooga Tennessee was a decisive victory for the Confederate army and allowed them to move Northward?
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What took place in 1863 to swing the advantage to the side of the Union?

The Union won three decisive battles, which swung the advantage to its side: 1 - The Battle and Siege of Vicksburg, which, after a campaign lasted from May19 through July 4, 1863, led to the surrendering of the Confederate fortress and the capture of the besieged Pemberton's Army, followed on July 9 by the surrendering of Port Hudson. The Mississippi River was then under complete control of the Union. 2 - The Battle of Gettysburg, fought from July 1 to July 3, 1863. 3- The Third Battle of Chattanooga, fought from October 26 through November 25 1863, which opened the way to the invasion of Georgia.

Which battle was fought in the most northern region?

Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. NEW RESPONDENT The Battle of Salineville in Columbiana County, Ohio, fought on July 26,1863 between CSA Brig. Gen. John Hunt Morgan's Confederate raiding forces and USA Brig. Gen. James Schackelford's pursuing forces. The battle was a decisive Union Victory and Morgan was taken prisoner. Another Confederate raid took place at St. Albans Vermont, farther north than the Battle of Salineville, but as the raiding force were not an official unit of the Confederate Army it cannot be taken into consideration in this subject

What was the decisive factor in the north's success in the final year of the war?

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What was the decisive factor in the north successful in the final years of the war?

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What was the decisive factor in the north success in the final years of the war?

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It marked the end of Confederate hopes of saving Western Tennessee. Grant would eventually capture Vicksburg, ending the war in the west altogether.

What did the north achieve after the battle of Chattanooga?

AfterGrant's decisive victory at the Third Battle of Chattanooga opened to door to the invasion of Georgia and to the deep Union penetration into the core of the South. Last but not least, the vital railroad linking the Confederate western states east from Mississippi and those of the eastern front had been interrupted for the rest of the war.

What was the significance of the Third battle of Chattanooga?

Grant's decisive victory at the Third Battle of Chattanooga opened to door to the invasion of Georgia and to the deep Union penetration into the core of the South. Last but not least, the vital railroad linking the Confederate western states east from Mississippi and those of the eastern front had been interrupted for the rest of the war.

What is the significance of the Battle of Perryville?

The decisive Union victory at Perryville made the Confederate Army under Braxton Bragg give up the invasion of Kentucky and retreat in Tennessee, taking position at Murfresborough.

What did John Bell Hood do?

He led the Army of Tennessee to disaster. The Confederate President, Jefferson Davis, fired Joe Johnston and replaced him with Hood, because Hood was Jefferson's idea of a good Confederate, a real gung-ho fighter and leader. (Johnston's policy of minimising his casualties because the South was running out of manpower did not strike Davis as the Confederate thing to do.) Hood turned out quite wrong as an army commander, and squandered precious lives everywhere. His defeat by George Thomas at Nashville was the only decisive rout of a Confederate army.

What were some long term results of the battle of fort Henry?

The conquest of Fort Henry gave the Union the control of the River Tennessee, opened the way to invade the western Tennessee and outflanked the Confederate positions on the River Mississippi. It was the first breach opened in the defensive system of the Confederate western front, whose collapse took place after Grant's decisive victory at Fort Donelson (February 15,1862), forcing the Confederates to evacuate Nashville and the Southern Kentucky.

What did the confederate army do after the Battle of Antietam?

Retreated to Virginia, where they would soon win a decisive victory at Fredericksburg.

What was the outcome of the Battle of Nashville?

The Battle of Nashville was a decisive Union victory. Hood's Confederate Army was forced to retreat across the Tennessee River into Mississippi, suffering so heavy losses during the battle and also the retreat, that that army had ceased to exist as an effective fighting force.

What did john bell hood?

He led the Army of Tennessee to disaster. The Confederate President, Jefferson Davis, fired Joe Johnston and replaced him with Hood, because Hood was Jefferson's idea of a good Confederate, a real gung-ho fighter and leader. (Johnston's policy of minimising his casualties because the South was running out of manpower did not strike Davis as the Confederate thing to do.) Hood turned out quite wrong as an army commander, and squandered precious lives everywhere. His defeat by George Thomas at Nashville was the only decisive rout of a Confederate army.

Was the Gettysburg battle a union or confederate victory?

It was a Union victory, sometimes considered to be a "decisive victory" (meaning it had a major impact on how the war ended).

Which was the most decisive battle of the civil war?

Probably Vicksburg and Gettysburg - two Confederate defeats announced to a joyful Northen public on the same day - Fourth of July 1863. Vicksburg ended the war in the West. Gettysburg ended Lee's amibitons to invade the North and threaten Washington DC.

Where did the battle of Chattanooga take place?

On the 23rd of November, Union troops captured Orchard Knob, an elevation in the plain between Chattanooga and Missionary Ridge. Grant ordered an assault on Lookout Mountain at 8 A.M. on November 24th. The decisive phase of the battle began at 7 A.M. on November 25th, when Sherman's force attacked Confederate entrenchments on the northern slopes of Missionary Ridge.