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Q: Is it true that a magnetic field is surrounded by moving electric charges?
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Is a magnetic field surrounded by moving electric charges?


How are moving electric charges related to electric and magnetic fields?

Moving electric charges create electromagnetic fields.

Moving electric charges will interact with?

Moving electric charges will interact with an electric field. Moving electric charges will also interact with a magnetic field.

When moving electric charges are they surrounded by an electric field and magnetic field?

Well, I want to know where I can get a free pair of solid gold pants, but I'm not bothering you about it. Lesson learned.

What creates magnetic fields?

Basically moving electric charges will create a magnetic field.

Creates a magnetic field?

Both magnetic materials and moving electric charges induce magnetic fields.

How em waves propagated?

According to Maxwell's Equations electromagnetic waves are able to propagate without the need for any medium: moving electric charges induce a moving magnetic field, a moving magnetic field induces moving electric charges, ad infinitum...

What do electric and magnetic fields contain and transport?

Electric and magnetic fields contain energy and information. They transport this energy and information through space. In the case of electric fields, they are generated by stationary electric charges and transport energy and information by interacting with other charges. Magnetic fields, on the other hand, are generated by moving charges or changing electric fields and also transport energy and information through their interactions with other magnetic fields or moving charges.

What do moving electrical charges create?

-- Electric charge that's moving is the definition of electric current.-- It creates a magnetic field in its neighborhood.

How electric current have magnetic effect?

The magnetic force acts only on moving electric charges; A constant electric current produces an unchanging magnetic field and a changing electric current produces a changing magnetic field.

Do paired electrons create magnetic fields?

No - magnetism is created by moving electric charges.

What is the force of attraction or repulsion generated by moving or spinning electric charges?

it is magnetic force