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Q: Is it true that both x rays and gamma rays have higher frequencies than ultraviolet rays?
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Do both x rays and gamma rays have higher frequencies than ultraviolet rays?

Both Gamma Rays and X Rays have a much high frequency that Ultraviolet Rays.

Do both x rays and gamma rays have higher frequencies than ultraviolent waves?

Yes, both do.

Do xrays and gamma rays have higher frequencies than ultraviolet rays?

Because that term is the name we have given to electromagnetic radiation with the highest observed frequency. If they had lower frequency, then we would call them by another name. And if they're called by that name, then they must be rays of the highest observed frequency, all because that is how we have defined them.

What type of wave vibrates the faster cosmic rays or gamma rays?

There's a considerable (overlapping) range of frequencies for both gamma rays and cosmic rays, but the upper reach for gamma rays is considered to be higher than that for cosmic rays, all the way to 10^30Hz.

How does the speed of light compare with the speed of gamma rays when both speeds are measured in a vacuum?

Same speed - light and gamma rays are both electromagnetic waves, but with different frequencies.

Gamma rays faster than radio waves?

No. Gamma rays and radio waves are both electromagnetic waves and travel at the same speed. They just have different wavelengths/frequencies.

What type of radiation travels more than 6cm in air?

Gamma radiation is the only one, except for radio, heat, visible light, and ultraviolet light.

How are gamma rays and X rays similar?

Both gamma rays and X-rays are forms of electromagnetic energy. Also, they are both forms of ionizing radiation. Further, they are found at the very top end (the highest frequencies) of the electromagnetic specturm.

What ray is used to kill bacteria?

gamma, because its a radioactive source, and used in medicine. Ultraviolet also kills both bacteria and viri.

What rays are similar to X rays?

We might consider gamma rays similar to X-rays. Both are at the top end of the electromagnetic spectrum, with gamma rays generally a bit higher in frequency (though there is a bit of overlap). Some might argue that ultraviolet rays, which are a bit lower in frequency than X-rays, make them similar. But we generally consider X-rays and gamma rays "most" similar as both are forms of ionizing radiation because the energy of the photons is so great.

What type of electromagnetic wave has a lower frequency than microwaves?

No. Both are examples of electromagnetic radiation. The only difference between them is their respective frequencies (wavelengths). Both travel at the speed that we call the "speed of light" . . . 300,000,000 meters (186,282 miles) per second.

Are x-rays energy the same as gamma rays?

Since x-rays have lower frequencies than gamma rays have, each x-ray photon carries less energy than a gamma ray photon carries. Both carry enough energy to damage living cells.