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Q: Is it true that carrying a heavy weight such as the equipment used in a gym can stop your growth height?
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Is height affected by weight training?

Weight training increases the amount of Growth Hormone produced by the pituitary gland. The hormone that increases your height.

What are the importance of growth to livingthings?

without growth people,plants,animals and all livingthings will not grow in height ,weight .

Does weight training stunt height growth?

no it does not, unless you happen to injure yourself in a way that it affects a growth plate

What part of your body growth during puberty?

There is an overall growth of the body .There is growth of facial, underarm and pubic hair. Increase in weight and height.

How tall should a toddler be?

Ask your doctor. They have age-weight-height growth charts.

What are the ways WE can measure growth?

I guess the answer is increase in height or weight. It should be either those two answer. I would guess it's height.

What units should be used on a height and weight chart for a child?

Height Weight Chart are for Adults not for kids. Paediatricians and other medical professionals use growth charts to monitor a child's development over time. These growth charts used to check on the growth of the kids are also referred to as the “road-to-health" chart. A newborn male baby weighs typically between 3.3 to 3.4 kg (7pounds 8 ounces) and 50cm (19.8 Inches) in length. Until they are three months old, the majority of newborns will acquire an ounce each day. Take a look at the Weight and Growth chart for a better understanding.

How tall will a 3 foot 8 38 pound four year old be?

go to growth and bmi calculator click growth and put in the moms height the dads height and the size and weight and age of the child

What are commons changes which occur during puberty in male and female both?

height,weight,age,body growth and growth of pubic hair

Can you get taller if you are not done growing and you lose weight?

If you are not done growing, you will probably get taller but that height gain will not be related to weight loss. In fact, weight loss shouldn't affect growth in height UNLESS the weight loss is unhealthy weight loss resulting in malnutrition - in which case the result could be less growth in height.

Will your height stop if you lift weight over your head?

There is no scientific evidence that lifting weights can reduce your growth rate.

Can you lose weight with a growth spurt?

Yes it is normal. My nephew gains alot of weight before he starts a growth spurt. He is over 6 feet tall now.