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It all depends how everything is set to go before hand but no

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Q: Is it true that if you're really confident about something happening then it's more likely to happen?
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Is the likelihood that something will happen?

It depends on what "something" you are talking about. If it is something bad- like another terrorist attack in a couple of years then the chances of that something happening is very likely. If it is something good like no bad things in the world then that is VERY unlikely. Anything can happen to anyone anywhere so you never really know what is going to happen no matter how likely or unlikely it is..........or probability

Likely means separate from the public?

No. "likely" means that the probability of something happening is high.

What is a probabilty?

Probability is the likelihood of something happening. It is the extent to which something is likely or unlikely to occur.

How likely is it something will happen?

i dont know. do you?

Is probability a noun?

Yes, the word 'probability' is a noun, a singular, common, abstract noun; a word for the chance that something will happen; something that has a chance of happening; a measure of how often a particular event will happen; a word for a concept; a word for a thing.

If something is 75 percent more likely to happen how many more times is it likely to happen?

three times.

Which best describes probability?

the likelihood that something will happen

What is the difference between likely and unlikely?

Likely refers to a high probability or a strong chance of something happening, while unlikely refers to a low probability or a slim chance of something happening. In other words, likely means it is probable or expected to occur, whereas unlikely means it is improbable or not expected to occur.

Which of the following words does no belong with the others likely probably possibly?

By definition: possibly. The words likely and probably are synonyms.

What does probability means?

How likely something is, it is like chance. Not yes or no, but leaning more likely than not. The amount that something is bound to happen. The probability of rain tonight is good means, it will probably rain. The probability of the bookstore running out of books, is slim to none. It shouldn't.the likeliness of something happening.

How likely is it that an accident will happen?

It is absolutely certain that an accident will happen sometime, somewhere. The likelihood of an accident happening at a particular place depends on what is being done there and what precautions have been taken to prevent accidents.

What is your likely impression of the speaker?

he's confident in his message