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No. That's just a saying.

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Q: Is it true that if you walk barefoot your teeth will fall out?
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How do you get your girlfriends mother to literally walk on you barefoot?

pay her

What happens to your feet when you walk barefoot on hotsand?

I have actually done this on the beach in the summer. If you walk barefoot on hot sand, it feels hot. I didn't get any actual blisters, though.

How do you get a female university student to literally walk on you barefoot?

Ask her to

How do you get a female teacher to step on you barefoot?

Ask her to take a walk on the beach.

Why is it difficult to walk barefoot on sand?

It is hard to walk on sand as - first we need to understand how we walk. every action has an equal opposite reaction (i.e. when we walk on earth we put a certain amount of force on the ground that reverts that force back on us) but when we walk on sand it is not hard and soft we fall into it and it doesn't give us and EQUAL opposite reaction.

What is Brent Morel's walk up song?

Barefoot blue Jean night

Why did King Henry II walk barefoot through the streets of Canterbury?

he was on the toilet

Why is it difficult to walk barefoot on graveled road?

Because the pointy rocks stap your feet

What was king henrys ii punishment?

he had to walk barefoot to his house to the church while being whipped

What is a bruised foot?

no... a foot stone bruise is what you get when you walk around barefoot. it feels rough and lumpy.

Does barefoot running cause flat feet ?

No, running around barefoot will not cause you to get flat feet. Shoes are only used to protect our feet but we were born to walk on our feet without anything on them.

How can Ms walk whiten teeth?

It has diluted bleach in it which whitens the teeth.