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In Japan the police cars are only factory tuned. Japanese cars are computer limited to 180kph at which point the computer will implement a fuel cut limiting the speed.

A police car that sees a vehicle travelling at over 180kph will not commence a pursuit as they know they can not catch them, however whilst that car will not commence a pursuit they will radio to the next unit to them over.

Best solution, If you are dumb enough to speed and you go through a speed trap, get off the motorway at the next exit and divert your route.

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15y ago
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13y ago

True. They simply radio ahead to trap you for safety reasons. If you need to lose them, make sure you head for a civilian area (neighbourhood) and ditch the car. They legally can't use heat seeking devices from helecopters.

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11y ago

NO! don't get these facts from films and expect there true

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Q: Is it true if you go over 180 kph in Japan the police won't try to catch the person?
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